[КНИГА][B] Multi-level party politics in Western Europe

K Detterbeck - 2012 - Springer
This book is an updated version of my 2009 Habilitation treatise at the Otto von Guericke
University of Magdeburg, Germany. When I started working on the project some ten years …

'Citizens of the region': Party conceptions of regional citizenship and immigrant integration

E Hepburn - European Journal of Political Research, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Citizenship is usually regarded as the exclusive domain of the state. However, changes to
the structure of states resulting from decentralisation and globalisation have required a re …

A comparative analysis of voter turnout in regional elections

A Henderson, N McEwen - Electoral Studies, 2010 - Elsevier
Elections to regional assemblies have become increasingly important as the power and
responsibilities of regional governments have increased. Yet, few studies have attempted to …

From protest to power: Autonomist parties in government

A Elias, F Tronconi - Party Politics, 2011 - journals.sagepub.com
In many Western European states, an increasing number of autonomist parties are taking
part in government at state and regional levels. To date, however, scholars have paid little …

[КНИГА][B] Routledge handbook of regionalism and federalism

J Loughlin, J Kincaid, W Swenden - 2013 - api.taylorfrancis.com
This chapter argues that the nation-state became the primary form of political organization
from about the end of the 18th century and that it reached its culmination in the form of the …

Regionalist party mobilisation on immigration

E Hepburn - West European Politics, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
This article explores the various ways in which regionalist parties approach the issue of
immigration. Drawing on several cases, it compares how regionalist parties 'construct'the …

Constitutional change in federations—a framework for analysis

A Benz, C Colino - Regional & Federal Studies, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
This article outlines a conceptual framework for analysing constitutional change in federal
systems. It begins by explaining the dilemmas, tensions and dynamics inherent in …

Party politics, institutions, and identity: the dynamics of regional venue shop** in the EU

O Huwyler, M Tatham, J Blatter - Democratic Representation in …, 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
With deepening European integration, domestic interest groups have increasingly engaged
in multi-level venue shop**. Regional authorities are no different and have represented …

Small worlds in Canada and Europe: A comparison of regional party systems in Quebec, Bavaria and Scotland

E Hepburn - Why Regions Matter: Small Worlds in Comparative …, 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
Quebec, Bavaria and Scotland are three regions nested within multi-level states. Each has a
pronounced territorial identity and a strong stateless nationalist and regionalist party …

Ethnic and regionalist parties in Western Europe: A party family?

A Fagerholm - Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Parties that defend the interest of one or a few ethnic groups and/or regions are, despite
their differences, recurrently grouped together into a single party family. This article …