Mandatory CSR and sustainability reporting: Economic analysis and literature review

HB Christensen, L Hail, C Leuz - Review of accounting studies, 2021 - Springer
This study collates potential economic effects of mandated disclosure and reporting
standards for corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability topics. We first outline …

[HTML][HTML] A review of archival auditing research

M DeFond, J Zhang - Journal of accounting and economics, 2014 - Elsevier
We define higher audit quality as greater assurance of high financial reporting quality.
Researchers use many proxies for audit quality, with little guidance on choosing among …

The economics of disclosure and financial reporting regulation: Evidence and suggestions for future research

C Leuz, PD Wysocki - Journal of accounting research, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
This paper discusses the empirical literature on the economic consequences of disclosure
and financial reporting regulation, drawing on US and international evidence. Given the …

Audit fees and social capital

A Jha, Y Chen - The Accounting Review, 2015 -
We examine the impact of social capital on audit fees. We find that firms headquartered in
US counties with high social capital pay lower audit fees. Social capital measures the level …

Shock-based causal inference in corporate finance and accounting research

VA Atanasov, BS Black - Critical Finance Review, 2016 -
We study shock-based methods for credible causal inference in corporate finance research.
We focus on corporate governance research, survey 13,461 papers published between …

How effective is internal control reporting under SOX 404? Determinants of the (non‐) disclosure of existing material weaknesses

SC Rice, DP Weber - Journal of Accounting Research, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
We study determinants of internal control reporting decisions under Section 404 of the
Sarbanes‐Oxley Act (SOX 404) using a sample of restating firms whose original …

Internal control and management guidance

M Feng, C Li, S McVay - Journal of accounting and economics, 2009 - Elsevier
We examine the relation between internal control quality and the accuracy of management
guidance. Consistent with managers in firms with ineffective internal controls relying on …

Internal control and operational efficiency

Q Cheng, BW Goh, JB Kim - Contemporary accounting …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
In this study, we examine whether internal control over financial reporting affects firm
operational efficiency. We find that operational efficiency, derived from frontier analysis, is …

The effect of SOX on small auditor exits and audit quality

ML DeFond, CS Lennox - Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2011 - Elsevier
We find that over six hundred auditors with fewer than 100 SEC clients exit the market
following SOX. Compared to the non-exiting auditors, the exiting auditors are lower quality …

[KNIHA][B] Adoption of CSR and sustainability reporting standards: Economic analysis and review

HB Christensen, L Hail, C Leuz - 2019 -
This study provides an economic analysis of the determinants and consequences of
corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability reporting. To frame our analysis, we …