From quantum chaos and eigenstate thermalization to statistical mechanics and thermodynamics

L D'Alessio, Y Kafri, A Polkovnikov, M Rigol - Advances in Physics, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
This review gives a pedagogical introduction to the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis
(ETH), its basis, and its implications to statistical mechanics and thermodynamics. In the first …

Equilibration, thermalisation, and the emergence of statistical mechanics in closed quantum systems

C Gogolin, J Eisert - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2016 -
We review selected advances in the theoretical understanding of complex quantum many-
body systems with regard to emergent notions of quantum statistical mechanics. We cover …

Entanglement asymmetry and quantum Mpemba effect in two-dimensional free-fermion systems

S Yamashika, F Ares, P Calabrese - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
The quantum Mpemba effect is the counterintuitive nonequilibrium phenomenon wherein
the dynamic restoration of a broken symmetry occurs more rapidly when the initial state …

Transport in Out-of-Equilibrium Chains: Exact Profiles of Charges and Currents

B Bertini, M Collura, J De Nardis, M Fagotti - Physical review letters, 2016 - APS
We consider the nonequilibrium time evolution of piecewise homogeneous states in the XXZ
spin-1/2 chain, a paradigmatic example of an interacting integrable model. The initial state …

Quench dynamics and relaxation in isolated integrable quantum spin chains

FHL Essler, M Fagotti - Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory …, 2016 -
We review the dynamics after quantum quenches in integrable quantum spin chains. We
give a pedagogical introduction to relaxation in isolated quantum systems, and discuss the …

Quantum many-body systems out of equilibrium

J Eisert, M Friesdorf, C Gogolin - Nature Physics, 2015 -
How do closed quantum many-body systems driven out of equilibrium eventually achieve
equilibration? And how do these systems thermalize, given that they comprise so many …

Recent advances for quantum neural networks in generative learning

J Tian, X Sun, Y Du, S Zhao, Q Liu… - … on Pattern Analysis …, 2023 -
Quantum computers are next-generation devices that hold promise to perform calculations
beyond the reach of classical computers. A leading method towards achieving this goal is …

Periodic orbits, entanglement, and quantum many-body scars in constrained models: Matrix product state approach

WW Ho, S Choi, H Pichler, MD Lukin - Physical review letters, 2019 - APS
We analyze quantum dynamics of strongly interacting, kinetically constrained many-body
systems. Motivated by recent experiments demonstrating surprising long-lived, periodic …

Entanglement and thermodynamics after a quantum quench in integrable systems

V Alba, P Calabrese - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2017 -
Entanglement and entropy are key concepts standing at the foundations of quantum and
statistical mechanics. Recently, the study of quantum quenches revealed that these …

Entanglement barrier and its symmetry resolution: Theory and experimental observation

A Rath, V Vitale, S Murciano, M Votto, J Dubail… - PRX Quantum, 2023 - APS
The operator entanglement (OE) is a key quantifier of the complexity of a reduced density
matrix. In out-of-equilibrium situations, eg, after a quantum quench of a product state, it is …