Classifications and applications of physical layer security techniques for confidentiality: A comprehensive survey
Physical layer security (PLS) has emerged as a new concept and powerful alternative that
can complement and may even replace encryption-based approaches, which entail many …
can complement and may even replace encryption-based approaches, which entail many …
Physical layer security for next generation wireless networks: Theories, technologies, and challenges
Physical layer security (PHY-security) takes the advantages of channel randomness nature
of transmission media to achieve communication confidentiality and authentication. Wiretap …
of transmission media to achieve communication confidentiality and authentication. Wiretap …
A survey on wireless security: Technical challenges, recent advances, and future trends
Due to the broadcast nature of radio propagation, the wireless air interface is open and
accessible to both authorized and illegitimate users. This completely differs from a wired …
accessible to both authorized and illegitimate users. This completely differs from a wired …
A survey on multiple-antenna techniques for physical layer security
As a complement to high-layer encryption techniques, physical layer security has been
widely recognized as a promising way to enhance wireless security by exploiting the …
widely recognized as a promising way to enhance wireless security by exploiting the …
A survey of optimization approaches for wireless physical layer security
Due to the malicious attacks in wireless networks, physical layer security has attracted
increasing concerns from both academia and industry. The research on physical layer …
increasing concerns from both academia and industry. The research on physical layer …
A comprehensive survey on cooperative relaying and jamming strategies for physical layer security
Physical layer security (PLS) has been extensively explored as an alternative to
conventional cryptographic schemes for securing wireless links. Many studies have shown …
conventional cryptographic schemes for securing wireless links. Many studies have shown …
Principles of physical layer security in multiuser wireless networks: A survey
This paper provides a comprehensive review of the domain of physical layer security in
multiuser wireless networks. The essential premise of physical layer security is to enable the …
multiuser wireless networks. The essential premise of physical layer security is to enable the …
RIS-assisted physical layer security in emerging RF and optical wireless communication systems: A comprehensive survey
Security and latency are crucial aspects in the design of future wireless networks. Physical
layer security (PLS) has received a growing interest from the research community in recent …
layer security (PLS) has received a growing interest from the research community in recent …
Relay-selection improves the security-reliability trade-off in cognitive radio systems
We consider a cognitive radio (CR) network consisting of a secondary transmitter (ST), a
secondary destination (SD) and multiple secondary relays (SRs) in the presence of an …
secondary destination (SD) and multiple secondary relays (SRs) in the presence of an …
Enhancing physical-layer secrecy in multiantenna wireless systems: An overview of signal processing approaches
This article provides an overview of the signal processing techniques used to enhance
secrecy in the physical layer of multiantenna wireless communication systems. Motivated by …
secrecy in the physical layer of multiantenna wireless communication systems. Motivated by …