Hydrological prediction in a tropical watershed dominated by oxisols using a distributed hydrological model

S Beskow, LD Norton, CR Mello - Water Resources Management, 2013‏ - Springer
Hydrological models have been used in many places of the world in order to support
practitioners with respect to watershed management actions. The goal of this research was …

Assessment of hydrological regionalization methodologies for the upper Jaguari River basin

LC da Silva Lelis, JG Nascimento, SN Duarte… - Journal of South …, 2020‏ - Elsevier
Water resources management is meant to solve problems caused by the intensive use of
this resource which is the consequence of economic and population growth. Water …

Low-flow seasonality and effects on water availability throughout the river network

LO Serrano, RB Ribeiro, AC Borges… - Water Resources …, 2020‏ - Springer
Given the increasing demand, there is a constant need to identify ways to optimize water use
without imposing drought risks and conflicts for its use. The water availability, represented by …

[HTML][HTML] Hydrological simulation in a basin of typical tropical climate and soil using the SWAT Model Part II: Simulation of hydrological variables and soil use scenarios

DR Pereira, MA Martinez, DD da Silva… - Journal of Hydrology …, 2016‏ - Elsevier
Study region The study was developed for the Pomba river basin, which is located in
southeast region of Brazil in the continent of South America. Study focus Hydrological …

Streamflow regionalization for the Mortes river basin upstream from the Funil hydropower plant, MG

JS Amorim, R Junqueira, VA Mantovani… - Revista Ambiente & …, 2020‏ - SciELO Brasil
Maximum and minimum streamflow are fundamental for water resource management,
especially for water rights. However, lack of monitoring and scarce streamflow data limit …

[HTML][HTML] Regionalization of maximum and minimum flow in the Teles Pires basin, Brazil

TR Lopes, CA Zolin, G Prado, J Paulino… - Engenharia …, 2017‏ - SciELO Brasil
In a watershed there is space and climate variability within its catchment area, causing
changes in water qualitative and quantitative characteristics. Thus, the hydrological data …

Comparação de funções de distribuição de probabilidades na determinação de vazão mínima anual e sazonal

NR Finkler, LA Mendes, EHM Schneider… - Scientia Cum …, 2015‏ - sou.ucs.br
Este trabalho buscou fornecer embasamento a estudos de disponibilidade hídrica para a
bacia hidrográfica do Arroio Belo, localizado no município de Caxias do Sul/RS. Para tanto …

[HTML][HTML] Frequency analysis of minimum flows

ARB Granemann, MRM Mine, E Kaviski - RBRH, 2018‏ - SciELO Brasil
The study of minimum flows is increasingly important due to the relationship with ecosystem
sustainability, the economy and its role as a sentinel of climate change. The aim of this …

[PDF][PDF] Physiological classification of forest seeds regarding the desiccation tolerance and storage behaviour

RC Mayrinck, TAA Vaz, AC Davide - Cerne, 2016‏ - redalyc.org
This work aims to classify forest seeds native to the Alto Rio Grande region regarding the
desiccation tolerance and storage behaviour. Germination and water content tests were …

Impact of the substitution of reference annual streamflow by monthly streamflow on the potential use of water resources

FF Pruski, LHN Bof, L Silva, J Silva, FS Rego… - Engenharia …, 2014‏ - SciELO Brasil
The consideration of the streamflow seasonality has a high potential to improve the water
use. In order to give subsidies to the optimization of water use, it was evaluated the impact of …