Divergent selection and heterogeneous genomic divergence

P Nosil, DJ Funk, D Ortiz‐Barrientos - Molecular ecology, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Levels of genetic differentiation between populations can be highly variable across the
genome, with divergent selection contributing to such heterogeneous genomic divergence …

Population genomics of marine fishes: identifying adaptive variation in space and time

EE Nielsen, J HEMMER‐HANSEN, PF Larsen… - Molecular …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Studies of adaptive evolution have experienced a recent revival in population genetics of
natural populations and there is currently much focus on identifying genomic signatures of …

[KNIHA][B] Ecological speciation

P Nosil - 2012 - books.google.com
The origin of biological diversity, via the formation of new species, can be inextricably linked
to adaptation to the ecological environment. Specifically, ecological processes are central to …

Population genomics of parallel adaptation in threespine stickleback using sequenced RAD tags

PA Hohenlohe, S Bassham, PD Etter, N Stiffler… - PLoS …, 2010 - journals.plos.org
Next-generation sequencing technology provides novel opportunities for gathering genome-
scale sequence data in natural populations, laying the empirical foundation for the evolving …

Molecular ecology of global change

TBH Reusch, TE Wood - Molecular ecology, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Global environmental change is altering the selection regime for all biota. The key selective
factors are altered mean, variance and seasonality of climatic variables and increase in CO2 …


J DeFaveri, T Shikano, Y Shimada, A Goto, J Merilä - Evolution, 2011 - academic.oup.com
Examples of parallel evolution of phenotypic traits have been repeatedly demonstrated in
threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) across their global distribution. Using …

Identifying footprints of directional and balancing selection in marine and freshwater three‐spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) populations

HS Mäkinen, JM Cano, J Merilä - Molecular Ecology, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Natural selection is expected to leave an imprint on the neutral polymorphisms at the
adjacent genomic regions of a selected gene. While directional selection tends to reduce …

Genomic parallelism and lack thereof in contrasting systems of three‐spined sticklebacks

S Liu, AL Ferchaud, P Grønkjær, R Nygaard… - Molecular …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Parallel evolution and the extent to which it involves gene reuse have attracted much
interest. Whereas it has theoretically been predicted under which circumstances gene reuse …

The evolution and adaptive potential of transcriptional variation in sticklebacks—signatures of selection and widespread heritability

EH Leder, RJS McCairns, T Leinonen… - Molecular biology …, 2015 - academic.oup.com
Evidence implicating differential gene expression as a significant driver of evolutionary
novelty continues to accumulate, but our understanding of the underlying sources of …

Genomic Hotspots for Adaptation: The Population Genetics of Müllerian Mimicry in Heliconius erato

BA Counterman, F Araujo-Perez, HM Hines… - PLoS …, 2010 - journals.plos.org
Wing pattern evolution in Heliconius butterflies provides some of the most striking examples
of adaptation by natural selection. The genes controlling pattern variation are classic …