Progress in superconductor-semiconductor topological Josephson junctions
Majorana bound states (MBSs) are quasiparticles that are their own antiparticles. They are
predicted to emerge as zero-energy modes localized at the boundary of a topological …
predicted to emerge as zero-energy modes localized at the boundary of a topological …
Blueprint for all-to-all connected superconducting spin qubits
Andreev (or superconducting) spin qubits (ASQs) have recently emerged as a promising
qubit platform that combines superconducting circuits with semiconductor spin degrees of …
qubit platform that combines superconducting circuits with semiconductor spin degrees of …
Many-body quantum dynamics of spin-orbit coupled Andreev states in a Zeeman field
We provide a theoretical framework to describe the quantum many-body dynamics of
Andreev states in Josephson junctions with spin-orbit coupling and a magnetic Zeeman …
Andreev states in Josephson junctions with spin-orbit coupling and a magnetic Zeeman …
Andreev spin relaxation time in a shadow-evaporated InAs weak link
Andreev spin qubits are a new qubit platform that merges superconductivity with
semiconductor physics. The mechanisms dominating observed energy relaxation remain …
semiconductor physics. The mechanisms dominating observed energy relaxation remain …
Generalized transmon Hamiltonian for Andreev spin qubits
We solve the problem of an interacting quantum dot embedded in a Josephson junction
between two superconductors with finite charging energy described by the transmon …
between two superconductors with finite charging energy described by the transmon …