Spatial pattern dynamics of 3D stem cell loss of pluripotency via rules-based computational modeling
Pluripotent embryonic stem cells (ESCs) have the unique ability to differentiate into cells
from all germ lineages, making them a potentially robust cell source for regenerative …
from all germ lineages, making them a potentially robust cell source for regenerative …
Les étapes précoces du processus métastatique
S Hubert, JP Abastado - médecine/sciences, 2014 - medecinesciences.org
Le développement de métastases est la cause principale des décès par cancer. Bien que
les métastases ne deviennent cliniquement détectables que tardivement, un certain nombre …
les métastases ne deviennent cliniquement détectables que tardivement, un certain nombre …
In silico modeling of cancer cell dissemination and metastasis
Metastasis is the main cause of cancer‐related death. It is surprising then that the exact
nature of metastasis—the process by which cancer cells leave the primary tumor to reach …
nature of metastasis—the process by which cancer cells leave the primary tumor to reach …
Investigation of Strain Elasstography to Assess Benign and Malignant Tumors
X Gou - 2021 - oaktrust.library.tamu.edu
Poroelastography is a new subfield of ultrasound elastography that enables cost-effective
and non-invasive imaging of mechanical properties of tissues. Assessment of changes in the …
and non-invasive imaging of mechanical properties of tissues. Assessment of changes in the …
[KNYGA][B] Modeling the spatiotemporal dynamics of cells in the lung
JJ Pothen - 2016 - search.proquest.com
Multiple research problems related to the lung involve a need to take into account the
spatiotemporal dynamics of the underlying component cells. Two such problems involve …
spatiotemporal dynamics of the underlying component cells. Two such problems involve …
[PDF][PDF] Analyzing multicellular interactions: A hybrid computational and biological pattern recognition approach
D White - 2015 - core.ac.uk
I would like to acknowledge my two thesis advisors for making my trip through graduate
school possible. Todd McDevitt and Melissa Kemp provided me with the freedom to pursue …
school possible. Todd McDevitt and Melissa Kemp provided me with the freedom to pursue …