Testing restful apis: A survey
In industry, RESTful APIs are widely used to build modern Cloud Applications. Testing them
is challenging, because not only do they rely on network communications, but also they deal …
is challenging, because not only do they rely on network communications, but also they deal …
Service-oriented middleware for the future internet: state of the art and research directions
Abstract Service-oriented computing is now acknowledged as a central paradigm for Internet
computing, supported by tremendous research and technology development over the last 10 …
computing, supported by tremendous research and technology development over the last 10 …
RESTful API automated test case generation with EvoMaster
A Arcuri - ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and …, 2019 - dl.acm.org
RESTful APIs are widespread in industry, especially in enterprise applications developed
with a microservice architecture. A RESTful web service will provide data via an API over the …
with a microservice architecture. A RESTful web service will provide data via an API over the …
Resttestgen: automated black-box testing of restful apis
E Viglianisi, M Dallago… - 2020 IEEE 13th …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
RESTful APIs (or REST APIs for short) represent a mainstream approach to design and
develop Web APIs using the REpresentational State Transfer architectural style. When their …
develop Web APIs using the REpresentational State Transfer architectural style. When their …
Automated test generation for rest apis: No time to rest yet
Modern web services routinely provide REST APIs for clients to access their functionality.
These APIs present unique challenges and opportunities for automated testing, driving the …
These APIs present unique challenges and opportunities for automated testing, driving the …
Metamorphic testing of RESTful web APIs
Web Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) specify how to access services and data
over the network, typically using Web services. Web APIs are rapidly proliferating as a key …
over the network, typically using Web services. Web APIs are rapidly proliferating as a key …
Morest: Model-based RESTful API testing with execution feedback
RESTful APIs are arguably the most popular endpoints for accessing Web services.
Blackbox testing is one of the emerging techniques for ensuring the reliability of RESTful …
Blackbox testing is one of the emerging techniques for ensuring the reliability of RESTful …
Automated black‐box testing of nominal and error scenarios in RESTful APIs
Abstract RESTful APIs (or REST APIs for short) represent a mainstream approach to design
and develop web APIs using the REpresentational State Transfer architectural style. Black …
and develop web APIs using the REpresentational State Transfer architectural style. Black …
Web application testing: A systematic literature review
Context The web has had a significant impact on all aspects of our society. As our society
relies more and more on the web, the dependability of web applications has become …
relies more and more on the web, the dependability of web applications has become …
RESTful API automated test case generation
A Arcuri - 2017 IEEE International Conference on Software …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Nowadays, web services play a major role in the development of enterprise applications.
Many such applications are now developed using a service-oriented architecture (SOA) …
Many such applications are now developed using a service-oriented architecture (SOA) …