[HTML][HTML] Entrepreneurial self-efficacy: A systematic review of the literature on its theoretical foundations, measurement, antecedents, and outcomes, and an agenda for …
With increased emphasis being placed on entrepreneurial thinking and acting in today's
careers, we have witnessed growing research on entrepreneurial self-efficacy (ESE) over …
careers, we have witnessed growing research on entrepreneurial self-efficacy (ESE) over …
A systematic review of the career adaptability literature and future outlook
CS Johnston - Journal of career assessment, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
Researchers in the career domain have embraced the concept of career adaptability as
denoted by a rapid growth in the number of published articles in recent years. Career …
denoted by a rapid growth in the number of published articles in recent years. Career …
[HTML][HTML] What makes for future entrepreneurs? The role of digital competencies for entrepreneurial intention
The path toward founding a venture is changing. In fact, future-oriented competencies are
key in entrepreneurial aspirations. In an increasingly digital society, the intention to become …
key in entrepreneurial aspirations. In an increasingly digital society, the intention to become …
Career adaptability: A meta-analysis of relationships with measures of adaptivity, adapting responses, and adaptation results
Career adaptability, a psychosocial resource for managing career-related tasks, transitions,
and traumas, is a central construct in career construction theory and the field of vocational …
and traumas, is a central construct in career construction theory and the field of vocational …
[HTML][HTML] Career adaptability research: A literature review with scientific knowledge map** in web of science
H Chen, T Fang, F Liu, L Pang, Y Wen, S Chen… - International Journal of …, 2020 - mdpi.com
With the rapid development of society and technology, personal adaptability is becoming
more and more important. Learning how to adapt to a changing world is becoming one of …
more and more important. Learning how to adapt to a changing world is becoming one of …
Advancing the psychology of entrepreneurship: A review of the psychological literature and an introduction
This article provides a narrative review of psychology of entrepreneurship research
published in leading psychology journals, based on which we develop an organising …
published in leading psychology journals, based on which we develop an organising …
Impact assessment of social media usage in B2B marketing: A review of the literature and a way forward
Although various critical elements, such as media publicity, word of mouth, legislation, and
environmental factors, are not under the control of a company, they play a significant role in …
environmental factors, are not under the control of a company, they play a significant role in …
Personal agency in newly arrived refugees: The role of personality, entrepreneurial cognitions and intentions, and career adaptability
M Obschonka, E Hahn - Journal of Vocational Behavior, 2018 - Elsevier
In light of recent developments in the world of work towards increased uncertainty, a rapid
pace of change and new possibilities for intentional self-development, subsequent research …
pace of change and new possibilities for intentional self-development, subsequent research …
Does university play significant role in sha** entrepreneurial intention? A cross-country comparative analysis
R Trivedi - Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 2016 - emerald.com
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to foster entrepreneurship among students and
incubate more start-ups for economic prosperity, universities around the globe are required …
incubate more start-ups for economic prosperity, universities around the globe are required …
Applying social cognitive theory to placement learning in business firms and students' entrepreneurial intentions
Building upon the social cognitive theory, this study examines the environmental and person
factors that influence students' entrepreneurial intentions. Also, it examines the mediating …
factors that influence students' entrepreneurial intentions. Also, it examines the mediating …