A mini review on bio-electrochemical systems for the treatment of azo dye wastewater: State-of-the-art and future prospects
L Sun, Y Mo, L Zhang - Chemosphere, 2022 - Elsevier
Azo dyes are typical toxic and refractory organic pollutants widely used in the textile industry.
Bio-electrochemical systems (BESs) have great potential for the treatment of azo dyes with …
Bio-electrochemical systems (BESs) have great potential for the treatment of azo dyes with …
Microbial fuel cell sensors for water quality early warning systems: Fundamentals, signal resolution, optimization and future challenges
An early warning system is important to guarantee human health and ecological safety.
Microbial fuel cell (MFC) sensor can achieve a self-sustainable monitoring without additional …
Microbial fuel cell (MFC) sensor can achieve a self-sustainable monitoring without additional …
Cathodes as electron donors for microbial metabolism: which extracellular electron transfer mechanisms are involved?
This review illuminates extracellular electron transfer mechanisms that may be involved in
microbial bioelectrochemical systems with biocathodes. Microbially-catalyzed cathodes are …
microbial bioelectrochemical systems with biocathodes. Microbially-catalyzed cathodes are …
Anode potentials regulate Geobacter biofilms: new insights from the composition and spatial structure of extracellular polymeric substances
G Yang, L Huang, Z Yu, X Liu, S Chen, J Zeng, S Zhou… - Water research, 2019 - Elsevier
The extracellular electron transfer (EET) efficiency in bioelectrochemical systems has been
proven to be dependent on anode potentials. To explore the underlying mechanism …
proven to be dependent on anode potentials. To explore the underlying mechanism …
Microbial electrochemical technologies with the perspective of harnessing bioenergy: maneuvering towards upscaling
Microbial electrochemical technologies have gained much attention in the recent years
during which basic research has been carried out to provide proof of concept by utilizing …
during which basic research has been carried out to provide proof of concept by utilizing …
Electron transfer mechanisms between microorganisms and electrodes in bioelectrochemical systems
Microbes have been shown to naturally form veritable electric grids in which different
species acting as electron donors and others acting as electron acceptors cooperate. The …
species acting as electron donors and others acting as electron acceptors cooperate. The …
Power generation enhancement by utilizing plant photosynthate in microbial fuel cell coupled constructed wetland system
S Liu, H Song, X Li, F Yang - International Journal of …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
In the present study, a new technology that coupled constructed wetland (CW) with microbial
fuel cell (MFC)(CW‐MFC) was developed to convert solar energy into electricity on the …
fuel cell (MFC)(CW‐MFC) was developed to convert solar energy into electricity on the …
Biofilm formation and electricity generation of a microbial fuel cell started up under different external resistances
To investigate the effects of external resistance on the biofilm formation and electricity
generation of microbial fuel cells (MFCs), active biomass, the content of extracellular …
generation of microbial fuel cells (MFCs), active biomass, the content of extracellular …
Electrochemically active bacteria sense electrode potentials for regulating catabolic pathways
A Hirose, T Kasai, M Aoki, T Umemura… - Nature …, 2018 - nature.com
Electrochemically active bacteria (EAB) receive considerable attention for their utility in
bioelectrochemical processes. Although electrode potentials are known to affect the …
bioelectrochemical processes. Although electrode potentials are known to affect the …
Microbial community composition is unaffected by anode potential
There is great controversy on how different set anode potentials affect the performance of a
bioelectrochemical system (BES). It is often reported that more positive potentials improve …
bioelectrochemical system (BES). It is often reported that more positive potentials improve …