Defining the morphological quality of fossil footprints. Problems and principles of preservation in tetrapod ichnology with examples from the Palaeozoic to the present
The morphology of fossil footprints is the basis of vertebrate footprint ichnology. However,
the processes acting during and after trace fossil registration which are responsible for the …
the processes acting during and after trace fossil registration which are responsible for the …
Revisiting the age and palaeoenvironments of the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous? Dinosaur-bearing sedimentary record of eastern Spain: implications for Iberian …
An integrated stratigraphic, palaeontological, palaeoenvironmental and palaeogeographical
study of the traditionally considered Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous dinosaur-bearing …
study of the traditionally considered Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous dinosaur-bearing …
The complexity of tracking stegosaurs and their gregarious behavior
Stegosaur tracks were unknown until the identification of Deltapodus more than 20 years
ago. Currently, the Iberian Peninsula, especially Teruel Province, is one of the areas …
ago. Currently, the Iberian Peninsula, especially Teruel Province, is one of the areas …
Enigmatic tracks of solitary sauropods roaming an extensive lacustrine megatracksite in Iberia
F Torcida Fernández-Baldor, I Díaz-Martínez… - Scientific Reports, 2021 -
Sauropod remains are abundant on the Iberian Peninsula across the Jurassic-Cretaceous
transition. Where the osteological record shows a high diversity of this kind of dinosaur, the …
transition. Where the osteological record shows a high diversity of this kind of dinosaur, the …
A diverse Late Cretaceous vertebrate tracksite from the Winton Formation of Queensland, Australia
Abstract The Upper Cretaceous 'upper'Winton Formation of Queensland, Australia is world
famous for hosting Dinosaur Stampede National Monument at Lark Quarry Conservation …
famous for hosting Dinosaur Stampede National Monument at Lark Quarry Conservation …
Trackways of the American Crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) in Northwestern Costa Rica: Implications for Crocodylian Ichnology
We documented trackways of free-living Crocodylus acutus on beaches at the mouths of
Tamarindo and Ventanas estuaries, Costa Rica. Our crocodiles had estimated total lengths …
Tamarindo and Ventanas estuaries, Costa Rica. Our crocodiles had estimated total lengths …
Forelimb orientation and locomotion of sauropod dinosaurs: insights from the? Middle Jurassic Tafaytour tracksites (Argana Basin, Morocco)
Forelimb posture in sauropod dinosaurs is still poorly understood. Although a laterally
directed (semisupinated) manus is the plesiomorphic condition in sauropodomorphs, the …
directed (semisupinated) manus is the plesiomorphic condition in sauropodomorphs, the …
Dinosaur tracks with skin impressions in the La Buitrera Paleontological Area (Candeleros Formation, Cenomanian), Río Negro Province, Argentina
Abstract The La Buitrera Paleontological Area, in the north of the Río Negro Province,
Argentina, preserves the uppermost section of the Cenomanian Candeleros Formation, as …
Argentina, preserves the uppermost section of the Cenomanian Candeleros Formation, as …
New dinosaur, crocodylomorph and swim tracks from the Late Jurassic of the Lusitanian Basin: implications for ichnodiversity
New dinosaur (theropod and sauropod), crocodylomorph and swim tracks from Upper
Jurassic units of the Lusitanian Basin, housed at the Sociedade de História Natural in Torres …
Jurassic units of the Lusitanian Basin, housed at the Sociedade de História Natural in Torres …
What do their footprints tell us? Many questions and some answers about the life of non-avian dinosaurs
Dinosaur tracks are considerably common in the fossil record and were described from
many areas in the world. They provide a live picture of dinosaur behaviour and offer …
many areas in the world. They provide a live picture of dinosaur behaviour and offer …