Membrane technology for energy saving: principles, techniques, applications, challenges, and prospects
Membrane technology emerges as a transformative solution for global challenges, excelling
in water treatment, gas purification, and waste recycling. This comprehensive review …
in water treatment, gas purification, and waste recycling. This comprehensive review …
Challenges in the implementation of bioremediation processes in petroleum-contaminated soils: A review
Environmental pollution is regarded as a major problem, and traditional strategies such as
chemical or physical remediation are not sufficient to overcome the problems of pollution …
chemical or physical remediation are not sufficient to overcome the problems of pollution …
Adsorption of methyl violet dye onto a prepared bio-adsorbent from date seeds: Isotherm, kinetics, and thermodynamic studies
Raw date seeds, as prospective natural, broadly obtainable and low-price agricultural waste
for adsorbing cationic dyes from aqueous solutions, have been studied. In this work, Iraqi …
for adsorbing cationic dyes from aqueous solutions, have been studied. In this work, Iraqi …
Effectiveness of polyacrylamide-g-gelatin/ACL/Mg–Fe LDH composite hydrogel as an eliminator of crystal violet dye
Cationic synthetic dyes are one of the hazards in aqueous solutions that can affect the
health of humans and living organisms. In the current work, polyacrylamide (PAM)-g-gelatin …
health of humans and living organisms. In the current work, polyacrylamide (PAM)-g-gelatin …
Electrochemical oxidation technology: A review of its application in high-efficiency treatment of wastewater containing persistent organic pollutants
J Qiao, Y **ong - Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2021 - Elsevier
Over the years, industry, agriculture and other human activities have discharged a large
number of organic pollutants into the natural environment. Among these, persistent organic …
number of organic pollutants into the natural environment. Among these, persistent organic …
Review of adsorption–membrane hybrid systems for water and wastewater treatment
Adsorption is an effective method for the removal of inorganic and organic contaminants and
has been commonly used as a pretreatment method to improve contaminant removal and …
has been commonly used as a pretreatment method to improve contaminant removal and …
Efficient removal of dyes, heavy metals and oil-water from wastewater using electrospun nanofiber membranes: A review
S Radoor, J Karayil, A Jayakumar… - Journal of Water Process …, 2024 - Elsevier
Freshwater shortage has become a serious issue in today's world due to rapid population
expansion. Large amounts of hazardous chemicals were released into waterbodies as a …
expansion. Large amounts of hazardous chemicals were released into waterbodies as a …
The recent advances in adsorption and membrane separation and their hybrid technologies for micropollutants removal from wastewater
In modern society, the bulk production of new chemicals, huge consumption, and the
discharge of micropollutants into the environment are unavoidable events. Practically …
discharge of micropollutants into the environment are unavoidable events. Practically …
Separation techniques in different configurations of hybrid systems via synergetic adsorption and membrane processes for water treatment: a review
The membrane separation process is sometimes limited in terms of performance; therefore,
coupling it with other methods, such as adsorption, can exert a synergistic effect, overcome …
coupling it with other methods, such as adsorption, can exert a synergistic effect, overcome …
Current trends for wastewater treatment technologies with typical configurations of photocatalytic membrane reactor hybrid systems: A review
The separation process with the membrane is limited sometimes, therefore, their coupling
with other methods such as photocatalysis can exert a synergistic effect, overcome the …
with other methods such as photocatalysis can exert a synergistic effect, overcome the …