Geometric integration and its applications

CJ Budd, MD Piggott - 2001 -
Geometric integration is the general term for a set of numerical algorithms for solving
differential equations that aim to reproduce qualitative features in the solution. These can be …

Explicit variable step-size and time-reversible integration

T Holder, B Leimkuhler, S Reich - Applied numerical mathematics, 2001 - Elsevier
In Huang and Leimkuhler [SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 18 (1997) 239–256], a variable step-size,
semi-explicit variant of the explicit Störmer–Verlet method has been suggested for the time …

Explicit adaptive symplectic integrators for solving Hamiltonian systems

S Blanes, A Iserles - Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 2012 - Springer
Abstract We consider Sundman and Poincaré transformations for the long-time numerical
integration of Hamiltonian systems whose evolution occurs at different time scales. The …

Scaling invariance and adaptivity

CJ Budd, B Leimkuhler, MD Piggott - Applied numerical …, 2001 -
The scale invariant system of ordinary differential equations and the coupling of rescaling to
the invariance of the system were described. Self-similar solutions of the resulting equations …

Reversible adaptive regularization: perturbed Kepler motion and classical atomic trajectories

B Leimkuhler - … Transactions of the Royal Society of …, 1999 -
Reversible and adaptive integration methods based on Kustaanheimo–Stiefel regularization
and modified Sundman transformations are applied to simulate general perturbed Kepler …

Adaptive geometric integrators for Hamiltonian problems with approximate scale invariance

S Blanes, CJ Budd - SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2005 - SIAM
We consider adaptive geometric integrators for the numerical integration of Hamiltonian
systems with greatly varying time scales. A time regularization is considered using either the …

A Time-Reversible, Regularized, Switching Integrator for the N-Body Problem

A Kvaerno, B Leimkuhler - SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2000 - SIAM
This article describes a gravitational N-body integration algorithm conserving linear and
angular momentum and time-reversal symmetry. Forces are dynamically partitioned based …

A novel adaptive time step** variant of the Boris–Buneman integrator for the simulation of particle accelerators with space charge

M Toggweiler, A Adelmann, P Arbenz, J Yang - Journal of Computational …, 2014 - Elsevier
We show that adaptive time step** in particle accelerator simulation is an enhancement
for certain problems. The new algorithm has been implemented in the OPAL (Object …

Phase space structure and dynamics for the Hamiltonian isokinetic thermostat

P Collins, GS Ezra, S Wiggins - The Journal of chemical physics, 2010 -
We investigate the phase space structure and dynamics of a Hamiltonian isokinetic
thermostat, for which ergodic thermostat trajectories at fixed (zero) energy generate a …

Impenetrable barriers in phase space for deterministic thermostats

GS Ezra, S Wiggins - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and …, 2008 -
We investigate the relation between the phase-space structures of Hamiltonian and non-
Hamiltonian deterministic thermostats. We show that phase-space structures governing …