Investigating the effects of structured and guided inquiry on students' development of conceptual knowledge and inquiry abilities: a case study in Taiwan
In order to promote scientific inquiry in secondary schooling in Taiwan, the study developed
a computer-based inquiry curriculum (including structured and guided inquiry units) and …
a computer-based inquiry curriculum (including structured and guided inquiry units) and …
[HTML][HTML] Scaffolding online peer critiquing to develop students' epistemic criteria of data visualization
HY Chang - Computers & Education, 2023 - Elsevier
This study developed online peer critique activities and computer-based epistemic scaffolds
in a data visualization module, and investigated the impact. Two classes with a total of 65 …
in a data visualization module, and investigated the impact. Two classes with a total of 65 …
Effects of explicit and implicit prompts on students' inquiry practices in computer-supported learning environments in high school earth science
The study explored how to best use scaffolds for supporting students' inquiry practices in
computer-supported learning environments. We designed a series of inquiry units assisted …
computer-supported learning environments. We designed a series of inquiry units assisted …
Understanding science teachers' enactments of a computer-based inquiry curriculum
In order to spread and encourage the use of innovative computer-based inquiry curricula in
classrooms, it is fundamental to understand how teachers enact the curricula. It is also …
classrooms, it is fundamental to understand how teachers enact the curricula. It is also …
[PDF][PDF] 科學探究能力評量之標準設定與其效度檢核
林小慧, 吳心楷 - 教育心理學報, 2019 - epbulletin.epc.ntnu.edu.tw
本研究係以臺灣大台北地區605 位11 年級學生接受科學探究能力評量施測所蒐集的實徵資料,
以達到兩項研究目的. 其一為依據待加強, 基礎, 精熟三個等級之標準表現描述 …
以達到兩項研究目的. 其一為依據待加強, 基礎, 精熟三個等級之標準表現描述 …
[PDF][PDF] 網路探究活動對國中高, 低批判思考能力學生之探究能力及演化概念知識的影響
陳欣珏, 張俊彥 - Chinese Journal of Science Education, 2019 - toaj.stpi.narl.org.tw
摘要本研究旨在使用Collaborative Web-based Inquiry Science Environment (CWISE)
演化教材模組, 探討網路探究活動對國中高, 低批判思考能力學生探究能力及演化概念知識的 …
演化教材模組, 探討網路探究活動對國中高, 低批判思考能力學生探究能力及演化概念知識的 …
Effect of computer simulations on female students' motivation for and engagement with physics learning: a case of secondary schools in Tanzania
AM Rutakomozibwa - 2022 - open.library.ubc.ca
The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of computer simulations on female
students' motivation for and engagement with physics learning in Tanzanian secondary …
students' motivation for and engagement with physics learning in Tanzanian secondary …
Designing Learning Activities Using Different Augmented Reality Applications for Different Learning Subjects for Elementary Students
The application of augmented reality in the field of education is increasing in popularity due
to its unique characteristic of embedding digital information into the real-life environment …
to its unique characteristic of embedding digital information into the real-life environment …
Path analyses of how students develop conceptual knowledge and inquiry skills in a simulation-based inquiry environment
We implemented a simulation-based learning environment in a summer camp program in
which 45 ninth-grade students conducted virtual experiments using computer-based …
which 45 ninth-grade students conducted virtual experiments using computer-based …
Adapting and customizing web-based inquiry science environments to promote Taiwanese students' learning of science
Features of the Web-based Inquiry Science Environment (WISE) such as interactive dynamic
visualizations, science inquiry, and online critiquing address educational reform efforts …
visualizations, science inquiry, and online critiquing address educational reform efforts …