Achievements and challenges in state-of-the-art software traceability between test and code artifacts
Testing is a key activity of software development and maintenance that determines the level
of reliability. Traceability is the ability to describe and follow the life of software artifacts, and …
of reliability. Traceability is the ability to describe and follow the life of software artifacts, and …
A model-driven traceability framework for software product lines
Software product line (SPL) engineering is a recent approach to software development
where a set of software products are derived for a well defined target application domain …
where a set of software products are derived for a well defined target application domain …
Survey of traceability approaches in model-driven engineering
I Galvao, A Goknil - 11th IEEE International Enterprise …, 2007 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Models have been used in various engineering fields to help managing complexity and
represent information in different abstraction levels, according to specific notations and …
represent information in different abstraction levels, according to specific notations and …
Requirements traceability in model-driven development: Applying model and transformation conformance
The variety of design artifacts (models) produced in a model-driven design process results in
an intricate relationship between requirements and the various models. This paper proposes …
an intricate relationship between requirements and the various models. This paper proposes …
Towards interactive finite element analysis of shell structures in virtual reality
A first step towards a semi-immersive virtual reality (VR) interface for finite element analysis
(FEA) is presented in this paper. During recent years, user interfaces of FEA solvers have …
(FEA) is presented in this paper. During recent years, user interfaces of FEA solvers have …
End-to-end model-transformation comprehension through fine-grained traceability information
The construction and maintenance of model-to-model and model-to-text transformations
pose numerous challenges to novice and expert developers. A key challenge involves …
pose numerous challenges to novice and expert developers. A key challenge involves …
[PDF][PDF] PREDIQT: a method for model-based prediction of impacts of architectural design changes on system quality
A Omerovic - 2011 - breibakk.no
The increasing criticality of the ICT systems and the steady growth of their mutual
collaboration impose new challenges with respect to adapting system architecture to new …
collaboration impose new challenges with respect to adapting system architecture to new …
New process: pattern-based model driven architecture
M ZadahmadJafarlou, A Moeini… - Procedia Technology, 2012 - Elsevier
The aim of this study is introducing a new method, through combination of patterns and MDA
and includes four phases of modelling in three different viewpoints. It is considered as a …
and includes four phases of modelling in three different viewpoints. It is considered as a …
Quality Traceability for User-centric Context-aware Systems in Intelligent Environment
N Sakanga, JC Augusto, L Brodie… - 2022 IEEE 8th World …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Context-awareness is an important component of modern software systems. For example, in
Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), the concept of context-awareness empowers users by …
Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), the concept of context-awareness empowers users by …
[PDF][PDF] Traceability Models to Control an Aspectual Model-driven Development.
Abstract Model-Driven Development and Aspect-Oriented Software Development are
paradigms that provide mechanisms to support the requirement evolution. While model …
paradigms that provide mechanisms to support the requirement evolution. While model …