Current status of aerosol-cloud interactions and their impact over the Northern Indian Ocean: A comprehensive review
The interactions between aerosol and cloud play a vital role in global climate change and
associated with one of the largest uncertainties. In last few decades, due to unique …
associated with one of the largest uncertainties. In last few decades, due to unique …
Improved air quality during COVID-19 at an urban megacity over the Indo-Gangetic Basin: From stringent to relaxed lockdown phases
The enforced lockdown amid COVID-19 pandemic eased anthropogenic activities across
India. The satellite-derived aerosol optical depth (AOD) and absorption AOD showed a …
India. The satellite-derived aerosol optical depth (AOD) and absorption AOD showed a …
Seasonal characteristics of PM1, PM2.5, and PM10 over Varanasi during 2019–2020
Particulate matter (PM) concentrations and aerosol optical depth (AOD) are measured and
correlated simultaneously using a high-volume sampler and a MICROTOPS-II …
correlated simultaneously using a high-volume sampler and a MICROTOPS-II …
RETRACTED: Seasonal correlation of aerosols with soil moisture, evapotranspiration, and vegetation over Pakistan using remote sensing
Aerosols have a severe impact on the Earth's climate, human health, and ecosystem. To
understand the impacts of aerosols on climate, human health, and the ecosystem we must …
understand the impacts of aerosols on climate, human health, and the ecosystem we must …
Global trends of columnar and vertically distributed properties of aerosols with emphasis on dust, polluted dust and smoke-inferences from 10-year long CALIOP …
In this paper, the decadal datasets available from the space-borne lidar, Cloud Aerosol Lidar
with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP) onboard Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder …
with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP) onboard Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder …
Aeolian dust and sea salt in marine aerosols over the Arabian Sea during the southwest monsoon: Sources and spatial variability
The nutrient supply to the oceanic surface water is largely regulated by the extrinsic and
intrinsic ambient atmospheric aerosol properties, particularly chemistry. In this context, we …
intrinsic ambient atmospheric aerosol properties, particularly chemistry. In this context, we …
Assessment of two intense dust storm characteristics over Indo–Gangetic basin and their radiative impacts: a case study
The present study is focused to examine the impacts of two intense dust storms on aerosol
characteristics and their radiative impacts occurred in pre-monsoon season of 2018 (ie 17 …
characteristics and their radiative impacts occurred in pre-monsoon season of 2018 (ie 17 …
Quantification of long-range transported aeolian dust towards the Indian peninsular region using satellite and ground-based data-A case study during a dust storm …
Abstract The Arabian Sea is an enclosed basin surrounded by land and is prone to receive
large amount of aeolian dust from the continent. This can significantly impact surface water …
large amount of aeolian dust from the continent. This can significantly impact surface water …
Characterization of absorbing aerosol types using ground and satellites based observations over an urban environment
In this paper, for the first time, an effort has been made to seasonally characterize the
absorbing aerosols into different types using ground and satellite based observations. For …
absorbing aerosols into different types using ground and satellite based observations. For …
Decadal variations in natural and anthropogenic aerosol optical depth over the Bay of Bengal: the influence of pollutants from Indo-GangeticPlain
Perennial increase in atmospheric pollution over the Bay of Bengal (BoB) and South China
Sea is reported due to increase in human population and industrial activity in South and …
Sea is reported due to increase in human population and industrial activity in South and …