Unconventional thermoelectric materials for energy harvesting and sensing applications
Heat is an abundant but often wasted source of energy. Thus, harvesting just a portion of this
tremendous amount of energy holds significant promise for a more sustainable society …
tremendous amount of energy holds significant promise for a more sustainable society …
Luminescence in crystalline organic materials: from molecules to molecular solids
Luminescent small, all‐organic molecules are of tremendous interest in materials and life
science applications. Nevertheless, targeted design requires a basic understanding of the …
science applications. Nevertheless, targeted design requires a basic understanding of the …
Organic semiconductor single crystals for electronics and photonics
X Zhang, H Dong, W Hu - Advanced Materials, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Organic semiconducting single crystals (OSSCs) are ideal candidates for the construction of
high‐performance optoelectronic devices/circuits and a great platform for fundamental …
high‐performance optoelectronic devices/circuits and a great platform for fundamental …
High mobility emissive organic semiconductor
The integration of high charge carrier mobility and high luminescence in an organic
semiconductor is challenging. However, there is need of such materials for organic light …
semiconductor is challenging. However, there is need of such materials for organic light …
Thienothiophenes, dithienothiophenes, and thienoacenes: syntheses, oligomers, polymers, and properties
ME Cinar, T Ozturk - Chemical Reviews, 2015 - ACS Publications
Heterocyclic compounds comprising various biochemical materials are an indispensable
member of our life such as nucleic acids. Moreover, many naturally occurring pigments …
member of our life such as nucleic acids. Moreover, many naturally occurring pigments …
Semiconducting π-conjugated systems in field-effect transistors: a material odyssey of organic electronics
Since the discovery of highly conducting polyacetylene by Shirakawa, MacDiarmid, and
Heeger1 in 1977, π-conjugated systems have attracted much attention as futuristic materials …
Heeger1 in 1977, π-conjugated systems have attracted much attention as futuristic materials …
25th anniversary article: key points for high‐mobility organic field‐effect transistors
H Dong, X Fu, J Liu, Z Wang, W Hu - Advanced materials, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Remarkable progress has been made in develo** high performance organic field‐effect
transistors (OFETs) and the mobility of OFETs has been approaching the values of …
transistors (OFETs) and the mobility of OFETs has been approaching the values of …
Molecular semiconductors for logic operations: dead‐end or bright future?
The field of organic electronics has been prolific in the last couple of years, leading to the
design and synthesis of several molecular semiconductors presenting a mobility in excess of …
design and synthesis of several molecular semiconductors presenting a mobility in excess of …
25th anniversary article: recent advances in n‐type and ambipolar organic field‐effect transistors
The advantages of organic field‐effect transistors, such as low cost, mechanical flexibility
and large‐area fabrication, make them potentially useful for electronic applications such as …
and large‐area fabrication, make them potentially useful for electronic applications such as …
Thienoacene‐based organic semiconductors
Thienoacenes consist of fused thiophene rings in a ladder‐type molecular structure and
have been intensively studied as potential organic semiconductors for organic field‐effect …
have been intensively studied as potential organic semiconductors for organic field‐effect …