Recent advances and perspectives of iron-based photocatalysts
The global warming caused by the overuse of non-renewable fossil energy brings about the
serious global energy issues and environmental issues, including resource starvation …
serious global energy issues and environmental issues, including resource starvation …
Impact of Varying the Photoanode/Catalyst Interfacial Composition on Solar Water Oxidation: The Case of BiVO4(010)/FeOOH Photoanodes
Photoanodes used in a water-splitting photoelectrochemical cell are almost always paired
with an oxygen evolution catalyst (OEC) to efficiently utilize photon-generated holes for …
with an oxygen evolution catalyst (OEC) to efficiently utilize photon-generated holes for …
Slow O–H dissociation in the first-order oxygen evolution reaction kinetics on polycrystalline γ-FeO (OH)
To unravel the reaction mechanism of the electrochemical oxygen evolution reaction (OER),
analysis of the intrinsic activity parameters obtained via electrokinetic investigation remains …
analysis of the intrinsic activity parameters obtained via electrokinetic investigation remains …
Induced morphology orientation of α-FeOOH by kaolinite for enhancing peroxymonosulfate activation
Persulfate activation technology based on sulfate radicals is currently a hot spot in the field
of environmental governance. In our work, α-FeOOH was successful in situ loaded on …
of environmental governance. In our work, α-FeOOH was successful in situ loaded on …
Degradation of methyl orange through hydroxyl radical generated by optically excited biochar: Performance and mechanism
Novel biochars were prepared from corn cob to investigate the degradation mechanism of
methyl orange (MO) dye through the method of photoexcitation. The corn cob biochars were …
methyl orange (MO) dye through the method of photoexcitation. The corn cob biochars were …
Exploring the influence of aquatic phosphate on Fe floc dynamics in water treatment
The formation of flocs is crucial in the coagulation process of water treatment. However, the
nature of ligand exchange on the surface of primary nanoparticles (PNPs) during floc …
nature of ligand exchange on the surface of primary nanoparticles (PNPs) during floc …
Formation and Recombination Dynamics of Polarons in Goethite: A Time-Domain Ab Initio Study
The temperature and the coordination environment significantly affect polaron dynamics.
Using goethite (FeOOH) as a model, our study examines polaron formation and …
Using goethite (FeOOH) as a model, our study examines polaron formation and …
Multi-metal-doped transition metal compounds for high-performance asymmetric capacitive deionization
To address the limited ion adsorption capacity of carbon-based capacitive deionization
(CDI) which primarily relies on double-layer mechanism, recent efforts have focused on the …
(CDI) which primarily relies on double-layer mechanism, recent efforts have focused on the …
[PDF][PDF] Development of iron-based heterogeneous cocatalysts for photoelectrochemical water oxidation
The use of fossil fuels has caused serious environmental problems such as air pollution and
the greenhouse effect. Moreover, because fossil fuels are a non-renewable energy source …
the greenhouse effect. Moreover, because fossil fuels are a non-renewable energy source …
β-FeOOH nanorod as a highly active and durable self-repairing anode catalyst for alkaline water electrolysis powered by renewable energy
A β-FeOOH nanorod was investigated as a highly active and durable self-repairing anode
catalyst for alkaline water electrolysis with repeated potential change, simulating power from …
catalyst for alkaline water electrolysis with repeated potential change, simulating power from …