Recent developments in the modeling, analysis, and numerics of ferromagnetism
Micromagnetics is a continuum variational theory describing magnetization patterns in
ferromagnetic media. Its multiscale nature due to different inherent spatiotemporal physical …
ferromagnetic media. Its multiscale nature due to different inherent spatiotemporal physical …
Rate-independent systems
Our work on rate-independent systems was stimulated by our search for evolutionary
material models for shape-memory alloys that are flexible enough to encompass nonlinear …
material models for shape-memory alloys that are flexible enough to encompass nonlinear …
[HTML][HTML] Stochastic phase-field modeling of brittle fracture: Computing multiple crack patterns and their probabilities
In variational phase-field modeling of brittle fracture, the functional to be minimized is not
convex, so that the necessary stationarity conditions of the functional may admit multiple …
convex, so that the necessary stationarity conditions of the functional may admit multiple …
[KÖNYV][B] Computational micromagnetism
A Prohl - 2001 - Springer
In this work, we study numerical issues related to a common mathematical model which
describes ferromagnetic materials, both in a stationary and nonstationary context …
describes ferromagnetic materials, both in a stationary and nonstationary context …
Applications of-matrix techniques in micromagnetics
N Popović, D Praetorius - Computing, 2005 - Springer
The variational model by Landau and Lifshitz is frequently used in the simulation of
stationary micromagnetic phenomena. We consider the limit case of large and soft magnetic …
stationary micromagnetic phenomena. We consider the limit case of large and soft magnetic …
The computation of martensitic microstructure with piecewise laminates
We present a numerical method for the approximation of microstructure in martensitic
crystals by piecewise laminates, and we give computational results for several three …
crystals by piecewise laminates, and we give computational results for several three …
Approximation by piecewise constant functions in a BV metric
P Bělík, M Luskin - Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied …, 2003 - World Scientific
We study the approximation properties of piecewise constant functions with respect to
triangular and rectangular finite elements in a metric defined on functions of bounded …
triangular and rectangular finite elements in a metric defined on functions of bounded …
Mesoscopic model for ferromagnets with isotropic hardening
The proposed model combines tendency for minimization of Gibbs' magnetic energy with the
rate-independent maximum-dissipation mechanism that reflects the macroscopic quantity of …
rate-independent maximum-dissipation mechanism that reflects the macroscopic quantity of …
An efficient approach to the numerical solution of rate-independent problems with nonconvex energies
We propose a new approach to the numerical treatment of non (quasi) convex rate-
independent evolutionary problems. The main idea is to replace the original microscopic …
independent evolutionary problems. The main idea is to replace the original microscopic …
Adaptive approximation of Young measure solutions in scalar nonconvex variational problems
S Bartels - SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 2004 - SIAM
This paper addresses the numerical approximation of Young measures appearing as
generalized solutions to scalar nonconvex variational problems. We prove a priori and a …
generalized solutions to scalar nonconvex variational problems. We prove a priori and a …