Establishing a causal relationship between intervention to promote self-determination and enhanced student self-determination
Promoting the self-determination of adolescents with disabilities has become best practice in
secondary education and transition services, but to date there have been no studies …
secondary education and transition services, but to date there have been no studies …
Independent living of individuals with intellectual disability: a combined study of the opinions of parents, educational staff, and individuals with intellectual disability in …
The study of independent living (IL) of individuals with disabilities during the last decades
has been in the focus of scientific field of educational and social sciences. The conceptual …
has been in the focus of scientific field of educational and social sciences. The conceptual …
Examining perceptions toward self-determination of people with disabilities: A meta-synthesis
People with disabilities develop skills associated with self-determined action when supports
and opportunities, aligned to their strengths and values, are provided in the environments in …
and opportunities, aligned to their strengths and values, are provided in the environments in …
Framing the future: Self-determination
There is an established and still-growing evidence base that promoting self-determination
has positive school and post-school benefits for students with disabilities, and yet efforts to …
has positive school and post-school benefits for students with disabilities, and yet efforts to …
The relationship among self-determination, self-concept, and academic achievement for students with learning disabilities
C Zheng, A Gaumer Erickson… - Journal of learning …, 2014 -
Research suggests that self-determination skills are positively correlated with factors that
have been shown to improve academic achievement, but the direct relationship among self …
have been shown to improve academic achievement, but the direct relationship among self …
10 Self-Determination
Self-determination is a general psychological construct within the organizing structure of
theories of human agency that refers to self-(vs. other-) caused action—to people acting …
theories of human agency that refers to self-(vs. other-) caused action—to people acting …
based principles and practices for educating students with autism: Self-determination and social interactions
Research-Based Principles and Practices for Educating Students with Autism is a text under
development by members of the Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities. The text …
development by members of the Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities. The text …
The relationship between self-determination and academic achievement for adolescents with intellectual disabilities
ASG Erickson, PM Noonan, C Zheng… - Research in …, 2015 - Elsevier
Previous research has demonstrated that for students with intellectual disabilities, improved
self-determination skills are positively correlated with productivity and organization during …
self-determination skills are positively correlated with productivity and organization during …
Perspectives of youth in foster care on essential ingredients for promoting self-determination and successful transition to adult life: My life model
LE Powers, A Fullerton, J Schmidt, S Geenen… - Children and youth …, 2018 - Elsevier
Research clearly documents the serious challenges and poor outcomes experienced by
many young people exiting foster care, as well as compounded disparities for the high …
many young people exiting foster care, as well as compounded disparities for the high …
Choosing and choice making are not the same: Asking “what do you want for lunch?” is not self-determination
Promoting choice making has become an important focus of disability services and supports
and a basic component in service delivery. Although much of the choice making literature …
and a basic component in service delivery. Although much of the choice making literature …