Ordering effects in discrete choice experiments: A systematic literature review across domains
S Boxebeld - Journal of choice modelling, 2024 - Elsevier
Discrete choice experiments (DCEs) are increasingly used in several scientific domains.
Since their results may be used to inform governmental decision-making, it is important that …
Since their results may be used to inform governmental decision-making, it is important that …
The past, present and future of factorial survey experiments: A review for the social sciences
Factorial survey experiments (FSEs) are increasingly used in the social sciences. This paper
provides a review about the use of FSEs and aims to answer three research questions.(1) …
provides a review about the use of FSEs and aims to answer three research questions.(1) …
Investigating consumer acceptance of autonomous technologies: the case of self-driving automobiles
Purpose Autonomous technologies represent an increasingly important, but at the same
time controversial technological field with enormous potential. From a consumer …
time controversial technological field with enormous potential. From a consumer …
Hiring and intra-occupational gender segregation in software engineering
S Campero - American Sociological Review, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
Women tend to be segregated into different subspecialties than men within male-dominated
occupations, but the mechanisms contributing to such intra-occupational gender …
occupations, but the mechanisms contributing to such intra-occupational gender …
Does climate protest work? Partisanship, protest, and sentiment pools
D Bugden - Socius, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
This study demonstrates whether and how climate protest increases or decreases the
“sentiment pools” available to the climate movement. Using an experimental vignette survey …
“sentiment pools” available to the climate movement. Using an experimental vignette survey …
The link between corporate sustainability and willingness to invest: new evidence from the field of ethical investments
In recent decades, academia has addressed a wide range of research topics in the field of
ethical decision-making. Besides a great amount of research on ethical consumption, also …
ethical decision-making. Besides a great amount of research on ethical consumption, also …
Validity aspects of vignette experiments: Expected “what‐if” differences between reports of behavioral intentions and actual behavior
S Eifler, K Petzold - Experimental methods in survey research …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Vignettes are short descriptions of real‐life situations that are employed in a survey to
assess attitudes and intentions. In many studies, intentions are considered as …
assess attitudes and intentions. In many studies, intentions are considered as …
Attribute level overlap (and color coding) can reduce task complexity, improve choice consistency, and decrease the dropout rate in discrete choice experiments
A randomized controlled discrete choice experiment (DCE) with 3,320 participating
respondents was used to investigate the individual and combined impact of level overlap …
respondents was used to investigate the individual and combined impact of level overlap …
Demand-side consequences of unemployment and horizontal skill mismatches across national contexts: An employer-based factorial survey experiment
LP Shi, S Wang - Social Science Research, 2022 - Elsevier
With growing flexibilization in the labour market, continuous and consistent career
trajectories have become less the norm, and workers facing unemployment may need to …
trajectories have become less the norm, and workers facing unemployment may need to …
The factorial survey as a method for measuring sensitive issues
Contemporary social sciences are increasingly supported with Information-Communication
Technology (ICT). This chapter examines technical problems by illustrating current …
Technology (ICT). This chapter examines technical problems by illustrating current …