The formation of authigenic deposits during Paleogene warm climatic intervals: a review
Although Paleogene warm climatic intervals have received considerable attention for
atmospheric and oceanographic changes, the authigenic mineralization associated with …
atmospheric and oceanographic changes, the authigenic mineralization associated with …
Paleogene monsoons across India and South China: Drivers of biotic change
R Spicer, J Yang, A Herman, T Kodrul… - Gondwana …, 2017 - Elsevier
Monsoonal climates at low latitudes (< 32° N) are an inevitable consequence of seasonal
migrations of the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), but the character of these …
migrations of the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), but the character of these …
Sedimentary organic matter as a proficient tool for the palaeoenvironmental and palaeodepositional settings on Gondwana coal deposits
N Aggarwal - Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production …, 2022 - Springer
Palynofacies is based on the different types of the dispersed/sedimentary organic matter
(DOM/SOM) and has been used as a proficient proxy for the palaeoclimatic reconstructions …
(DOM/SOM) and has been used as a proficient proxy for the palaeoclimatic reconstructions …
Cool equatorial terrestrial temperatures and the South Asian monsoon in the Early Eocene: evidence from the Gurha Mine, Rajasthan, India
Abstract Early Eocene (~ 55–52 Ma) laminated lacustrine sediments overlying lignites in the
Gurha Mine (27.87398° N, 72.86709° E), Rajasthan, India, yield a diversity of fossil leaves …
Gurha Mine (27.87398° N, 72.86709° E), Rajasthan, India, yield a diversity of fossil leaves …
Early Eocene fossils suggest that the mammalian order Perissodactyla originated in India
Abstract Cambaytheres (Cambaytherium, Nakusia and Kalitherium) are recently discovered
early Eocene placental mammals from the Indo–Pakistan region. They have been assigned …
early Eocene placental mammals from the Indo–Pakistan region. They have been assigned …
[HTML][HTML] New early Eocene vertebrate assemblage from western India reveals a mixed fauna of European and Gondwana affinities
Abstract The Ypresian Cambay Shale Formation at Vastan and Mangrol lignite mines in
Gujarat, western India, has yielded a rich vertebrate fauna with numerous taxa of European …
Gujarat, western India, has yielded a rich vertebrate fauna with numerous taxa of European …
Glauconite authigenesis during the warm climatic events of Paleogene: Case studies from shallow marine sections of Western India
Glauconite forms abundantly within the Paleogene warm climatic intervals. However, the
role of warm climate on glauconitization is yet to be explored. Glauconitic shales are …
role of warm climate on glauconitization is yet to be explored. Glauconitic shales are …
Study on sequence stratigraphy in the Permian sediments of terrestrial sequences within the Chintalapudi sub-basin, Godavari Coalfield, Southern India: insight from …
Abstract The opening of Neo-Tethys within Gondwanaland during the Guadalupian
(transition signified a pivotal transgressive event) in the Permian Period. Consequently, an …
(transition signified a pivotal transgressive event) in the Permian Period. Consequently, an …
[HTML][HTML] Assessment of the source rock potential in the Sirka and Giddi collieries of South Karanapura coalfield, Jharkhand, India: Insights from megaflora, palynology …
Permian deposits in the Indian Peninsula have long been a significant source of coal and
have great potential for hydrocarbon exploration. Here we present results of megafloral …
have great potential for hydrocarbon exploration. Here we present results of megafloral …
Eocene palms from central Myanmar in a South-East Asian and global perspective: evidence from the palynological record
In the Palaeogene, pollen assemblages at low and mid latitudes are characterized by
abundant palm and palm-like (PPL) taxa. Although these taxa have been widely reported …
abundant palm and palm-like (PPL) taxa. Although these taxa have been widely reported …