The formation of authigenic deposits during Paleogene warm climatic intervals: a review

S Banerjee, TR Choudhury, PK Saraswati… - Journal of …, 2020 - Springer
Although Paleogene warm climatic intervals have received considerable attention for
atmospheric and oceanographic changes, the authigenic mineralization associated with …

Paleogene monsoons across India and South China: Drivers of biotic change

R Spicer, J Yang, A Herman, T Kodrul… - Gondwana …, 2017 - Elsevier
Monsoonal climates at low latitudes (< 32° N) are an inevitable consequence of seasonal
migrations of the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), but the character of these …

Sedimentary organic matter as a proficient tool for the palaeoenvironmental and palaeodepositional settings on Gondwana coal deposits

N Aggarwal - Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production …, 2022 - Springer
Palynofacies is based on the different types of the dispersed/sedimentary organic matter
(DOM/SOM) and has been used as a proficient proxy for the palaeoclimatic reconstructions …

Cool equatorial terrestrial temperatures and the South Asian monsoon in the Early Eocene: evidence from the Gurha Mine, Rajasthan, India

A Shukla, RC Mehrotra, RA Spicer, TEV Spicer… - Palaeogeography …, 2014 - Elsevier
Abstract Early Eocene (~ 55–52 Ma) laminated lacustrine sediments overlying lignites in the
Gurha Mine (27.87398° N, 72.86709° E), Rajasthan, India, yield a diversity of fossil leaves …

Early Eocene fossils suggest that the mammalian order Perissodactyla originated in India

KD Rose, LT Holbrook, RS Rana, K Kumar… - Nature …, 2014 -
Abstract Cambaytheres (Cambaytherium, Nakusia and Kalitherium) are recently discovered
early Eocene placental mammals from the Indo–Pakistan region. They have been assigned …

[HTML][HTML] New early Eocene vertebrate assemblage from western India reveals a mixed fauna of European and Gondwana affinities

T Smith, K Kumar, RS Rana, A Folie, F Solé, C Noiret… - Geoscience …, 2016 - Elsevier
Abstract The Ypresian Cambay Shale Formation at Vastan and Mangrol lignite mines in
Gujarat, western India, has yielded a rich vertebrate fauna with numerous taxa of European …

Glauconite authigenesis during the warm climatic events of Paleogene: Case studies from shallow marine sections of Western India

TR Choudhury, S Khanolkar, S Banerjee - Global and Planetary Change, 2022 - Elsevier
Glauconite forms abundantly within the Paleogene warm climatic intervals. However, the
role of warm climate on glauconitization is yet to be explored. Glauconitic shales are …

Study on sequence stratigraphy in the Permian sediments of terrestrial sequences within the Chintalapudi sub-basin, Godavari Coalfield, Southern India: insight from …

N Aggarwal, D Mishra, B Hazra - Environmental Earth Sciences, 2024 - Springer
Abstract The opening of Neo-Tethys within Gondwanaland during the Guadalupian
(transition signified a pivotal transgressive event) in the Permian Period. Consequently, an …

[HTML][HTML] Assessment of the source rock potential in the Sirka and Giddi collieries of South Karanapura coalfield, Jharkhand, India: Insights from megaflora, palynology …

S Pradhan, D Mishra, N Aggarwal… - Journal of Asian Earth …, 2024 - Elsevier
Permian deposits in the Indian Peninsula have long been a significant source of coal and
have great potential for hydrocarbon exploration. Here we present results of megafloral …

Eocene palms from central Myanmar in a South-East Asian and global perspective: evidence from the palynological record

H Huang, R Morley, A Licht… - Botanical Journal of …, 2020 -
In the Palaeogene, pollen assemblages at low and mid latitudes are characterized by
abundant palm and palm-like (PPL) taxa. Although these taxa have been widely reported …