Towards context-aware adaptable web services
M Keidl, A Kemper - Proceedings of the 13th international World Wide …, 2004 - dl.acm.org
In this paper, we present a context framework that facilitates the development and
deployment of context-aware adaptable Web services. Web services are provided with …
deployment of context-aware adaptable Web services. Web services are provided with …
Reliable web service execution and deployment in dynamic environments
M Keidl, S Seltzsam, A Kemper - International Workshop on Technologies …, 2003 - Springer
In this work, we present novel techniques for flexible and reliable execution and deployment
of Web services which can be integrated into existing service platforms. The first technique …
of Web services which can be integrated into existing service platforms. The first technique …
Implementation of an adaptive learning system based on agents and web services
Today, the integration of web services and agent technology into Internet applications has
attracted the attention of many researchers, so that these applications allow a web service to …
attracted the attention of many researchers, so that these applications allow a web service to …
CWSC4EC: how to employ context, web service, and community in enterprise collaboration
Web services are becoming an essential support for inter-enterprise collaborative business
process. Nevertheless, in spite of the crucial progress in Web service technologies there is …
process. Nevertheless, in spite of the crucial progress in Web service technologies there is …
Integration of transient web services into a virtual peer to peer web service registry
S Dustdar, M Treiber - Distributed and Parallel Databases, 2006 - Springer
Transient Web service provisioning implies a variety of different requirements that are hard
to meet in traditional Web service environments. Currently, Web service brokerage focuses …
to meet in traditional Web service environments. Currently, Web service brokerage focuses …
[PDF][PDF] Interopérabilité des systèmes multi-agents à l'aide des services Web
Nous présentons un cadre conceptuel et architectural pour l'interopérabilité des systèmes
multi-agents (SMA) hétérogènes. Notre approche est fondée sur les services Web, qui …
multi-agents (SMA) hétérogènes. Notre approche est fondée sur les services Web, qui …
Context-aware architectures for building service-oriented systems
R Capilla - Conference on Software Maintenance and …, 2006 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The increasing importance of Web-based applications and the use of new Internet protocols
for building service oriented applications point to new directions in the construction of this …
for building service oriented applications point to new directions in the construction of this …
A lightweight agent fabric for service autonomy
YF Ma, HX Li, P Sun - … : Agents, Semantics, and Engineering: AAMAS 2007 …, 2007 - Springer
Abstract Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a compelling topic in Service-Oriented
Computing (SOC) paradigm nowadays, as many requirements come from inter-and intra …
Computing (SOC) paradigm nowadays, as many requirements come from inter-and intra …
A multi-agent system for web services discovery in a UDDI cloud
Web services are playing an important role in several areas. However, with the proliferation
of these services, the task of searching for relevant services becomes more and more …
of these services, the task of searching for relevant services becomes more and more …
An Agent-based framework for cooperation in Supply Chain
B Ezzeddine, B Abdellatif, B Mounir - arxiv preprint arxiv:1210.3375, 2012 - arxiv.org
Supply Chain coordination has become a critical success factor for Supply Chain
management (SCM) and effectively improving the performance of organizations in various …
management (SCM) and effectively improving the performance of organizations in various …