Towards context-aware adaptable web services

M Keidl, A Kemper - Proceedings of the 13th international World Wide …, 2004 -
In this paper, we present a context framework that facilitates the development and
deployment of context-aware adaptable Web services. Web services are provided with …

Reliable web service execution and deployment in dynamic environments

M Keidl, S Seltzsam, A Kemper - International Workshop on Technologies …, 2003 - Springer
In this work, we present novel techniques for flexible and reliable execution and deployment
of Web services which can be integrated into existing service platforms. The first technique …

Implementation of an adaptive learning system based on agents and web services

N El Ghouch, EL En-Naimi, M Kouissi - International Journal of …, 2020 -
Today, the integration of web services and agent technology into Internet applications has
attracted the attention of many researchers, so that these applications allow a web service to …

CWSC4EC: how to employ context, web service, and community in enterprise collaboration

K Boukadi, C Ghedira, S Chaari, L Vincent… - Proceedings of the 8th …, 2008 -
Web services are becoming an essential support for inter-enterprise collaborative business
process. Nevertheless, in spite of the crucial progress in Web service technologies there is …

Integration of transient web services into a virtual peer to peer web service registry

S Dustdar, M Treiber - Distributed and Parallel Databases, 2006 - Springer
Transient Web service provisioning implies a variety of different requirements that are hard
to meet in traditional Web service environments. Currently, Web service brokerage focuses …

[PDF][PDF] Interopérabilité des systèmes multi-agents à l'aide des services Web

A El Fallah-Seghrouchni, S Haddad… - … Francophones sur les …, 2004 -
Nous présentons un cadre conceptuel et architectural pour l'interopérabilité des systèmes
multi-agents (SMA) hétérogènes. Notre approche est fondée sur les services Web, qui …

Context-aware architectures for building service-oriented systems

R Capilla - Conference on Software Maintenance and …, 2006 -
The increasing importance of Web-based applications and the use of new Internet protocols
for building service oriented applications point to new directions in the construction of this …

A lightweight agent fabric for service autonomy

YF Ma, HX Li, P Sun - … : Agents, Semantics, and Engineering: AAMAS 2007 …, 2007 - Springer
Abstract Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a compelling topic in Service-Oriented
Computing (SOC) paradigm nowadays, as many requirements come from inter-and intra …

A multi-agent system for web services discovery in a UDDI cloud

FM Bouyakoub, A Belkhir… - International Journal of …, 2014 -
Web services are playing an important role in several areas. However, with the proliferation
of these services, the task of searching for relevant services becomes more and more …

An Agent-based framework for cooperation in Supply Chain

B Ezzeddine, B Abdellatif, B Mounir - arxiv preprint arxiv:1210.3375, 2012 -
Supply Chain coordination has become a critical success factor for Supply Chain
management (SCM) and effectively improving the performance of organizations in various …