Net-zero emissions chemical industry in a world of limited resources
The chemical industry is responsible for about 5% of global CO 2 emissions and is key to
achieving net-zero targets. Decarbonizing this industry, nevertheless, faces particular …
achieving net-zero targets. Decarbonizing this industry, nevertheless, faces particular …
A review of research on agrivoltaic systems
The expansion of large-scale photovoltaic (PV) power generation is essential to global
efforts to mitigate climate change. A constraint to such PV development is its extensive …
efforts to mitigate climate change. A constraint to such PV development is its extensive …
Global land and water limits to electrolytic hydrogen production using wind and solar resources
Proposals for achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 include scaling-up electrolytic hydrogen
production, however, this poses technical, economic, and environmental challenges. One …
production, however, this poses technical, economic, and environmental challenges. One …
Photovoltaics at multi-terawatt scale: waiting is not an option
A major renewable-energy milestone occurred in 2022: Photovoltaics (PV) exceeded a
global installed capacity of 1 TWdc. But despite considerable growth and cost reduction over …
global installed capacity of 1 TWdc. But despite considerable growth and cost reduction over …
[HTML][HTML] Agrivoltaics, a promising new tool for electricity and food production: A systematic review
J Widmer, B Christ, J Grenz, L Norgrove - Renewable and Sustainable …, 2024 - Elsevier
Increased global demand for food and energy implies higher competition for agricultural
land. Photovoltaic installations contribute to more sustainable solutions to satisfying energy …
land. Photovoltaic installations contribute to more sustainable solutions to satisfying energy …
Solar photovoltaics is ready to power a sustainable future
Thanks to fast learning and sustained growth, solar photovoltaics (PV) is today a highly cost-
competitive technology, ready to contribute substantially to CO 2 emissions mitigation …
competitive technology, ready to contribute substantially to CO 2 emissions mitigation …
[HTML][HTML] Nexus between agriculture and photovoltaics (agrivoltaics, agriphotovoltaics) for sustainable development goal: A review
A Ghosh - Solar Energy, 2023 - Elsevier
The coexistence of agricultural land and solar photovoltaics (PV) can be named
Agriphotovoltaics (APV). APV concept was developed two decades ago however its actual …
Agriphotovoltaics (APV). APV concept was developed two decades ago however its actual …
Achieving net-zero emissions in agriculture: a review
Agriculture accounts for 12% of global annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (7.1 Gt
CO2 equivalent), primarily through non-CO2 emissions, namely methane (54%), nitrous …
CO2 equivalent), primarily through non-CO2 emissions, namely methane (54%), nitrous …
Comprehensive review on agrivoltaics with technical, environmental and societal insights
The need for large-scale PV power generation is essential for reducing climate change, but
land competition is a barrier. Agrivoltaic systems, which combine crop production and …
land competition is a barrier. Agrivoltaic systems, which combine crop production and …
Adapting agriculture to climate change via sustainable irrigation: biophysical potentials and feedbacks
L Rosa - Environmental Research Letters, 2022 - iopscience.iop.org
Irrigated agriculture accounts for∼ 90% of anthropogenic freshwater consumption, is
deployed on 22% of cultivated land, and provides 40% of global food production. Expanding …
deployed on 22% of cultivated land, and provides 40% of global food production. Expanding …