A review of low and zero carbon fuel technologies: Achieving ship carbon reduction targets

Y Wang, Q Cao, L Liu, Y Wu, H Liu, Z Gu… - … Energy Technologies and …, 2022 - Elsevier
The ship** industry has paid unprecedented attention to reducing emissions and pollution
in recent years. In particular, the International Maritime Organization has enacted many …

Renewable methanol as a fuel for heavy-duty engines: a review of technologies enabling single-fuel solutions

YH Pu, Q Dejaegere, M Svensson, S Verhelst - Energies, 2024 - mdpi.com
To meet climate targets, a global shift away from fossil fuels is essential. For sectors where
electrification is impractical, it is crucial to find sustainable energy carriers. Renewable …

An Experimental Investigation of the Origin of Increased NOx Emissions When Fueling a Heavy-Duty Compression-Ignition Engine with Soy Biodiesel

CJ Mueller, AL Boehman, GC Martin - SAE International Journal of Fuels …, 2009 - JSTOR
It is generally accepted that emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) increase as the volume
fraction of biodiesel increases in blends with conventional diesel fuel. While many …

Parametric evaluation of neat methanol combustion in a light-duty compression ignition engine

A García, J Monsalve-Serrano, C Micó… - Fuel Processing …, 2023 - Elsevier
Methanol is currently considered a promising alternative fuel for energy de-fossilization due
to its simplicity and adequacy for renewable production. This study investigates the …

[PDF][PDF] Methanol as an alternative transportation fuel in the US: Options for sustainable and/or energy-secure transportation

L Bromberg, WK Cheng - Cambridge, MA: Sloan Automotive …, 2010 - researchgate.net
Methanol has been promoted as an alternative transportation fuel from time to time over the
past forty years. In spite of significant efforts to realize the vision of methanol as a practical …

Computational fluid dynamics and Machine learning-based Piston-Bowl optimization for Energy-Assisted compression ignition of low cetane number sustainable …

H Sapra, R Hessel, N Miganakallu, J Stafford… - Energy Conversion and …, 2024 - Elsevier
Hybrid-electric powertrains have been gaining tremendous interest to propel unmanned
aerial vehicles (UAVs) for Advanced Air Mobility. Present UAV powertrains are designed …

Investigation of the impact of biodiesel fuelling on NOx emissions using an optical direct injection diesel engine

AS Cheng, A Upatnieks… - International Journal of …, 2006 - journals.sagepub.com
The impact of biodiesel fuelling on NO x emissions was investigated using an optically
accessible diesel engine. A soy-based biodiesel (B100) and three separate primary …

Impact of ignition assistant on combustion of cetane 30 and 35 jet-fuel blends in a compression-ignition engine at moderate load and speed

N Miganakallu, J Stafford… - … for Gas Turbines …, 2023 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
This study investigates the use of a commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) ceramic glow-plug to
assist ignition of jet fuel blends with cetane numbers of 30 and 35, below the minimum …

Experimental study on engine and emissions performance of renewable diesel methanol dual fuel (RMDF) combustion

KD Cung, J Wallace, V Kalaskar, EM Smith III, T Briggs… - Fuel, 2024 - Elsevier
Methanol (MeOH) and renewable diesel (RD) are being considered promising alternative
fuels for the de-fossilization of internal combustion engines (ICE). This study provides an …

Effects of oxygenated compounds on combustion and soot evolution in a DI diesel engine: broadband natural luminosity imaging

CJ Mueller, GC Martin - SAE Transactions, 2002 - JSTOR
The detailed mechanisms by which oxygenated diesel fuels reduce engine-out soot
emissions are not well understood. The literature contains conflicting results as to whether a …