Review and comparison of conceptual frameworks on digital business transformation
F Nwaiwu - Journal of Competitiveness, 2018 - publikace.k.utb.cz
This paper applies an academic approach in assessing various conceptual and theoretical
frameworks considered relevant to the subject of digital business transformation and that …
frameworks considered relevant to the subject of digital business transformation and that …
From digital business strategy to digital transformation-How: A systematic literature review
N Brown, I Brown - Proceedings of the South African Institute of …, 2019 - dl.acm.org
Digital transformation is a top priority in most organizations. It is a complex task that tackles
the changes digital technologies can bring about in organisations. As such, it requires clarity …
the changes digital technologies can bring about in organisations. As such, it requires clarity …
Develo** a unified definition of digital transformation
Digital Transformation (DT) has become an imperative for most organizations in our world of
emergent and continuous changes. The term DT has been so broadly used (and misused) …
emergent and continuous changes. The term DT has been so broadly used (and misused) …
[HTML][HTML] Цифровая трансформация компаний: стратегический анализ, факторы влияния и модели
МК Ценжарик, ЮВ Крылова… - Вестник Санкт …, 2020 - cyberleninka.ru
В статье на конкретных примерах проведен анализ подходов к цифровой
трансформации, выявлены ее базовые модели и даны их основные характеристики, а …
трансформации, выявлены ее базовые модели и даны их основные характеристики, а …
Readiness of upscale and luxury-branded hotels for digital transformation
Hotels need to go through digital transformation to meet the changing demands of
customers in the experience age and stay ahead of both traditional competitors and industry …
customers in the experience age and stay ahead of both traditional competitors and industry …
A framework for digital transformation and business model innovation
Sažetak With the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, businesses are adapting to the
use of digitalisation which requires the digital transformation of their existing business …
use of digitalisation which requires the digital transformation of their existing business …
[HTML][HTML] Business model innovation based on new technologies and its influence on a company's competitive advantage
The aim of the paper is to determine the influence of BMI based on new technologies on a
company's competitive advantage. In order to accomplish the aim a quantitative research …
company's competitive advantage. In order to accomplish the aim a quantitative research …
[PDF][PDF] Resistance to (digital) change: Individual, systemic and learning-related perspectives
AB Scholkmann - Digital transformation of learning organizations, 2021 - library.oapen.org
In the wake of the far-reaching changes that digital transformation of society and work brings
about, it is worthwhile also exploring the meaning of resistance to change. Digital …
about, it is worthwhile also exploring the meaning of resistance to change. Digital …
[HTML][HTML] Digital balanced scorecard system as a supporting strategy for digital transformation
R Fabac - Sustainability, 2022 - mdpi.com
Reports of the high percentage of failed digital transformation ventures motivate the need to
find a comprehensive framework with regulatory attributes to support these initiatives. Due to …
find a comprehensive framework with regulatory attributes to support these initiatives. Due to …
[PDF][PDF] Digital transformation in companies: Strategic analysis, drivers and models
MK Tsenzharik, YV Krylova, VI Steshenko - 2020 - dspace.spbu.ru
The article provides terminology for processes of digitalization and digital transformation. For
structuring digital transformation processes, the authors offer a modification of the strategic …
structuring digital transformation processes, the authors offer a modification of the strategic …