Understanding Filipino students' achievement in PISA: The roles of personal characteristics, proximal processes, and social contexts
Much of the existing educational research has focused on affluent Western societies.
Despite comprising a broad swathe of the world population, less work has focused on lower …
Despite comprising a broad swathe of the world population, less work has focused on lower …
Does teachers' motivation have an impact on students' scientific literacy and motivation? An empirical study in Colombia with data from PISA 2015
In this study we use data from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) to
investigate the effect of teachers' motivation on students' scientific literacy and motivation in …
investigate the effect of teachers' motivation on students' scientific literacy and motivation in …
[PDF][PDF] Peran Guru dalam meningkatkan kemampuan literasi matematika siswa Indonesia
Hasil penilaian internasional oleh Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD) terkait literasi matematika, sains, dan membaca siswa usia 15 tahun …
Development (OECD) terkait literasi matematika, sains, dan membaca siswa usia 15 tahun …
Malaysian students' performance in mathematics literacy in PISA from gender and socioeconomic status perspectives
LM Thien - The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 2016 - Springer
This study aims to investigate Malaysian students' performance in mathematics literacy from
gender and socioeconomic perspectives based on the Programme for International Student …
gender and socioeconomic perspectives based on the Programme for International Student …