Phononic metamaterials for vibration isolation and focusing of elastic waves

CY Koh, DA Jorba, EL Thomas - US Patent 8,833,510, 2014 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A methodology for designing structured metamaterials that can reflect,
absorb and focus the propagation of both scalar acoustic and vector elastic waves is …

Smart card interface

WM Beals - US Patent App. 29/525,632, 2019 - Google Patents
FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a smart card interface; FIG. 2 is a top plan view thereof; FIG. 3
is a bottom view thereof; FIG. 4 is a front elevation view thereof; FIG. 5 is a rear elevation …

Acoustophoretic separation technology using multi-dimensional standing waves

B Lipkens, J Dionne, WM Presz Jr… - US Patent …, 2016 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A system having improved trap** force for acoustopho resis is described
where the trap** force is improved by manipulation of the frequency of the ultrasonic …

Acoustophoretic multi-component separation technology platform

B Lipkens, J Dionne, TJ Kennedy III - US Patent 10,040,011, 2018 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A system having improved trap** force for acoustopho resis is described
where the trap** force is improved by manipulation of the frequency of the ultrasonic …

Combined acoustic micro filtration and phononic crystal membrane particle separation

EA Rietman, B Lipkens, J Dionne - US Patent 8,679,338, 2014 - Google Patents
M. Klein (57) ABSTRACT A system is provided that includes one or more acoustic
microfilters through which is flowed a mixture of a fluid and a particulate to selectively filter …

Fluid dynamic sonic separator

WM Presz Jr, B Lipkiens, J Dionne… - US Patent …, 2017 - Google Patents
An acoustic standing wave is utilized to separate compo nents from a multi-component fluid.
Such as animal cells from fluid-cell mixture, in a fluid flow scheme with an acoustophoresis …

Acoustic methods for separation of cells and pathogens

R Gilmanshin, B Lipkens - US Patent 10,161,926, 2018 - Google Patents
Devices and methods for inspecting, detecting, isolating, monitoring, characterizing, or
separating pathogens in blood containing blood cells are disclosed. The devices include a …

Acoustophoretic device with piezoelectric transducer array

B Lipkens, J Dionne - US Patent 9,457,302, 2016 - Google Patents
An apparatus for separating particles from a fluid stream includes a flow chamber that has at
least one inlet and at least one outlet. At least one ultrasonic transducer is located on a wall …

Acoustophoretic device for angled wave particle deflection

B Lipkens, WM Presz, K Chitale, TJ Kennedy III… - US Patent …, 2017 - Google Patents
Devices for separating materials from a host fluid are disclosed. The devices include a flow
chamber, an ultrasonic transducer, and a reflector. The ultrasonic transducer and reflector …

Bioreactor using acoustic standing waves

B Lipkens, L Masi, S Kowalski III, WM Presz Jr… - US Patent …, 2016 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A perfusion bioreactor includes at least one ultrasonic trans ducer that can
acoustically generate a multi-dimensional standing wave. The standing wave can be used to …