Building the Zagros collisional orogen: timing, strain distribution and the dynamics of Arabia/Eurasia plate convergence

F Mouthereau, O Lacombe, J Vergés - Tectonophysics, 2012 - Elsevier
The Zagros Mountains are the result of the Arabia/Eurasia collision initiated at~ 35Ma as the
rifted Arabian lithosphere was underthrusted beneath the Iranian plate due to its negative …

Comparisons of the kinematics and deep structures of the Zagros and Himalaya and of the Iranian and Tibetan plateaus and geodynamic implications

D Hatzfeld, P Molnar - Reviews of Geophysics, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
We compare the geologic histories, the deep structures, and the present‐day kinematics of
deformation of the Himalaya and the adjacent Tibetan Plateau with those of the Zagros and …

The Neotethyan Sanandaj‐Sirjan zone of Iran as an archetype for passive margin‐arc transitions

J Hassanzadeh, BP Wernicke - Tectonics, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract The Sanandaj‐Sirjan zone of Iran is a northwest trending orogenic belt immediately
north of the Zagros suture, which represents the former position of the Neotethys Ocean. The …

A Paleogene extensional arc flare‐up in Iran

C Verdel, BP Wernicke, J Hassanzadeh, B Guest - Tectonics, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Arc volcanism across Iran is dominated by a Paleogene pulse, despite protracted and
presumably continuous subduction along the northern margin of the Neotethyan ocean for …

Two-step closure of the Miocene Indian Ocean Gateway to the Mediterranean

OM Bialik, M Frank, C Betzler, R Zammit… - Scientific reports, 2019 -
Abstract The Tethys Ocean was compartmentalized into the Mediterranean Sea and Indian
Ocean during the early Miocene, yet the exact nature and timing of this disconnection are …

Arabia-Eurasia continental collision: Insights from late Tertiary foreland-basin evolution in the Alborz Mountains, northern Iran

P Ballato, CE Uba, A Landgraf, MR Strecker… - …, 2011 -
A poorly understood lag time of 15–20 my exists between the initial Arabia-Eurasia
continental collision in late Eocene to early Oligocene time and the acceleration of tectonic …

The abrupt onset of the modern South Asian Monsoon winds

C Betzler, GP Eberli, D Kroon, JD Wright, PK Swart… - Scientific reports, 2016 -
Abstract The South Asian Monson (SAM) is one of the most intense climatic elements yet its
initiation and variations are not well established. Dating the deposits of SAM wind-driven …

Mantle convection in the Middle East: Reconciling Afar upwelling, Arabia indentation and Aegean trench rollback

C Faccenna, TW Becker, L Jolivet, M Keskin - Earth and Planetary Science …, 2013 - Elsevier
Abstract The Middle East region represents a key site within the Tethyan domain where
continental break-up, collision, backarc extension and escape tectonics are kinematically …

Structural development of a major late Cenozoic basin and transpressional belt in central Iran: The Central Basin in the Qom-Saveh area

CK Morley, B Kongwung, AA Julapour… - …, 2009 -
Abstract The Central Basin of the Iran Plateau is between the geologically better-known
regions of the Zagros and Alborz Mountains. Hydrocarbon exploration in the Central Basin …

[HTML][HTML] Global Cenozoic paleobathymetry with a focus on the Northern Hemisphere oceanic gateways

EO Straume, C Gaina, S Medvedev… - Gondwana Research, 2020 - Elsevier
The evolution of the Northern Hemisphere oceanic gateways has facilitated ocean
circulation changes and may have influenced climatic variations in the Cenozoic time (66 …