We don't need no education? Education policies of Western European populist radical right parties
Populist radical right parties (PRRPs) have become more mainstream, increasing their
relevance in European politics. While a lot is already known about them, there are still gaps …
relevance in European politics. While a lot is already known about them, there are still gaps …
Inequities in first education policy responses to the COVID-19 crisis: A comparative analysis in four Central and East European countries
The historically high inequities in the education systems of Central and East-European
countries have been further exacerbated in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Using …
countries have been further exacerbated in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Using …
Taking stock of responsible management education in Central and Eastern Europe
Corporate social responsibility, business ethics and sustainability–often bracketed under
responsible management education (RME)–are topics that are increasingly adopted by …
responsible management education (RME)–are topics that are increasingly adopted by …
Teacher education in Poland: Contested terrains between policy and practice
Teacher education in Poland can be broadly characterised by a gap between those who
write education policies (but are not involved in the practice of enacting them) and those …
write education policies (but are not involved in the practice of enacting them) and those …
Who supports Polish educational reforms? Exploring actors' and observers' attitudes
This investigation is based on eight extensive empirical studies (total N= 12,294)
supplemented by automated analysis of online data, to examine attitudes toward …
supplemented by automated analysis of online data, to examine attitudes toward …
Acceptance of change by reducing employee resistance and strengthening organizational commitment
Change is inevitable but often provokes negative reactions among employees and promotes
resistance. Knowledge of the causes of resistance increases the possibility of making …
resistance. Knowledge of the causes of resistance increases the possibility of making …
The reactions of post-soviet countries employees to changes carried out by organizations in higher education: cases of Lithuanian, Ukrainian and Belarusian state …
Abstract [eng] This paper presents the scale created by authors for determining employees'
attitudes towards changes (employees' attitude towards changes-EATC) and its …
attitudes towards changes (employees' attitude towards changes-EATC) and its …
[PDF][PDF] The relevance of future challenges to education in five central Eastern European countries
Post-socialist Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries face similar challenges with
their education systems. The similarities stem partly from the shared legacy of Soviet-style …
their education systems. The similarities stem partly from the shared legacy of Soviet-style …
Same rights different outcomes? Decomposition of differences in over-qualification among mobile EU workers
This study contributes to the debate on the determinants of over-qualification among
European Union (EU) mobile workers. More specifically, we quantify the impact of …
European Union (EU) mobile workers. More specifically, we quantify the impact of …
A comparison of business student perceptions in Kazakhstan and the United States regarding ways to enhance the online learning process
The unanticipated COVID-19 pandemic renewed interest in the success of various
pedagogic practices across populations to determine the universality of their importance …
pedagogic practices across populations to determine the universality of their importance …