A comparison of random forest based algorithms: random credal random forest versus oblique random forest

CJ Mantas, JG Castellano, S Moral-García, J Abellán - Soft Computing, 2019 - Springer
Random forest (RF) is an ensemble learning method, and it is considered a reference due to
its excellent performance. Several improvements in RF have been published. A kind of …

Increasing diversity in random forest learning algorithm via imprecise probabilities

J Abellan, CJ Mantas, JG Castellano… - Expert Systems with …, 2018 - Elsevier
Random Forest (RF) learning algorithm is considered a classifier of reference due its
excellent performance. Its success is based on the diversity of rules generated from decision …

A balanced random learning strategy for CNN based Landsat image segmentation under imbalanced and noisy labels

X Zhao, Y Cheng, L Liang, H Wang, X Gao, J Wu - Pattern Recognition, 2023 - Elsevier
Landsat image segmentation is important for obtaining large-scale land cover maps. The
accuracy of CNN-based Landsat image segmentation highly depends on the quantity and …

An assertive reasoning method for emergency response management based on knowledge elements C4. 5 decision tree

L Han, W Li, Z Su - Expert Systems with Applications, 2019 - Elsevier
The correct selection of knowledge elements is the key to emergency management. Using
emergency knowledge elements, this study constructs an assertive reasoning selection …

A Bayesian Imprecise Classification method that weights instances using the error costs

S Moral-García, T Coolen-Maturi, FPA Coolen… - Applied Soft …, 2024 - Elsevier
In practical applications, Bayesian classification methods have been successfully employed.
The Naïve Bayes algorithm (NB) is a quick, successful, and well-known Bayesian …

Non-parametric predictive inference for solving multi-label classification

S Moral-García, CJ Mantas, JG Castellano… - Applied Soft …, 2020 - Elsevier
Abstract Decision Trees (DTs) have been adapted to Multi-Label Classification (MLC).
These adaptations are known as Multi-Label Decision Trees (ML-DT). In this research, a …

Stepwise dynamic nearest neighbor (SDNN): a new algorithm for classification

D Karabaş, D Birant, PY TAŞER - Turkish Journal of Electrical …, 2023 - journals.tubitak.gov.tr
Although the standard k-nearest neighbor (KNN) algorithm has been used widely for
classification in many different fields, it suffers from various limitations that abate its …