Analytical theory of self-consistent current structures in a collisionless plasma
The most-studied classes of exact solutions to Vlasov–Maxwell equations for stationary
neutral current structures in a collisionless relativistic plasma, which allow the particle …
neutral current structures in a collisionless relativistic plasma, which allow the particle …
Kinetic models of tangential discontinuities in the solar wind
T Neukirch, IY Vasko, AV Artemyev… - The Astrophysical …, 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
Kinetic-scale current sheets observed in the solar wind are frequently approximately force-
free despite the fact that their plasma β is of the order of one. In situ measurements have …
free despite the fact that their plasma β is of the order of one. In situ measurements have …
Kinetic simulations and gamma-ray signatures of Klein–Nishina relativistic magnetic reconnection
J Mehlhaff, G Werner, B Cerutti… - Monthly Notices of …, 2024 - academic.oup.com
Black hole and neutron star environments often comprise collisionless plasmas immersed in
strong magnetic fields and intense baths of low-frequency radiation. In such conditions …
strong magnetic fields and intense baths of low-frequency radiation. In such conditions …
A model of one-dimensional current sheet with parallel currents and normal component of magnetic field
AV Artemyev - Physics of Plasmas, 2011 - pubs.aip.org
We develop a model of a current sheet including field-aligned currents and a finite value of
the normal component of magnetic field. The model is based on the conservation of a …
the normal component of magnetic field. The model is based on the conservation of a …
Two types of tangential magnetopause current sheets: Cluster observations and theory
Early magnetopause observations revealed that the magnetic field can rotate across
tangential current sheets in the form of C‐and S‐shaped hodograms. We use the four …
tangential current sheets in the form of C‐and S‐shaped hodograms. We use the four …
[HTML][HTML] Kinetic model of anisotropic force-free current sheets
Force-free current sheets, characterized by field-aligned electric currents and approximately
uniform plasma pressures, have been widely observed in the planetary magnetosphere and …
uniform plasma pressures, have been widely observed in the planetary magnetosphere and …
[HTML][HTML] An exact collisionless equilibrium for the Force-Free Harris Sheet with low plasma beta
We present a first discussion and analysis of the physical properties of a new exact
collisionless equilibrium for a one-dimensional nonlinear force-free magnetic field, namely …
collisionless equilibrium for a one-dimensional nonlinear force-free magnetic field, namely …
From one-dimensional fields to Vlasov equilibria: theory and application of Hermite polynomials
We consider the theory and application of a solution method for the inverse problem in
collisionless equilibria, namely that of calculating a Vlasov–Maxwell equilibrium for a given …
collisionless equilibria, namely that of calculating a Vlasov–Maxwell equilibrium for a given …
Profile of strong magnetic field By component in magnetotail current sheets
The strong magnetic field By component (in GSM coordinates) has been increasingly
noticed to play an important role in the dynamics of tail current sheet (CS). The distribution …
noticed to play an important role in the dynamics of tail current sheet (CS). The distribution …
Аналитическая теория самосогласованных токовых структур в бесстолкновительной плазме
ВВ Кочаровский, ВВ Кочаровский… - Успехи физических …, 2016 - ufn.ru
Дан обзор наиболее разработанных классов точных решений уравнений Власова-
Максвелла для стационарных нейтральных токовых структур в бесстолкновительной …
Максвелла для стационарных нейтральных токовых структур в бесстолкновительной …