Adaptive neural network-based observer design for switched systems with quantized measurements

L Chen, Y Zhu, CK Ahn - IEEE transactions on neural networks …, 2021 -
This study is concerned with the adaptive neural network (NN) observer design problem for
continuous-time switched systems via quantized output signals. A novel NN observer is …

Adaptive neural network-based filter design for nonlinear systems with multiple constraints

Q Shen, P Shi, RK Agarwal, Y Shi - IEEE Transactions on …, 2020 -
Filter design for nonlinear systems, especially time delayed nonlinear systems, has always
been an important and challenging problem. This brief investigates the filter design problem …

[PDF][PDF] 闭环系统故障诊断技术综述

周东华, 刘洋, 何潇 - 自动化学报, 2013 -
摘要本文着眼于闭环环境下动态系统中的故障诊断问题. 介绍了目前闭环系统故障诊断的研究
意义, 特别关注了开闭环故障诊断的不同, 并概述了现有的闭环系统故障诊断方法 …

[КНИГА][B] Observer-based fault estimation and accomodation for dynamic systems

K Zhang, B Jiang, P Shi - 2012 -
Due to the increasing security and reliability demand of actual industrial process control
systems, the study on fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control of dynamic systems has …

Adaptive fuzzy observer design for a class of switched nonlinear systems with actuator and sensor faults

S Fu, J Qiu, L Chen, S Mou - IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy …, 2018 -
In this paper, an adaptive fault estimation approach is proposed for a class of switched
nonlinear systems. The considered system is assumed to possess unknown nonlinearities …

Fault reconstruction for Markovian jump systems with iterative adaptive observer

L Chen, P Shi, M Liu - Automatica, 2019 - Elsevier
This paper investigates the fault observer design problem for Markovian jump systems with
simultaneous time-varying actuator efficiency factors, additive actuator and sensor faults …

Fast actuator and sensor fault estimation based on adaptive unknown input observer

S Gao, G Ma, Y Guo, W Zhang - ISA transactions, 2022 - Elsevier
This study evaluates the robust fault estimation problem of systems with actuator and sensor
faults though the simultaneous use of unknown input disturbances and measurement noise …

Fault reconstruction for continuous-time switched nonlinear systems via adaptive fuzzy observer design

L Chen, Y Tan, Y Zhu, HK Lam - IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy …, 2023 -
This article investigates the fault reconstruction problem for a class of continuous-time
switched systems subject to persistent dwell-time (PDT) switching. In order to relax the rank …

Event-triggered control for switched systems with sensor faults via adaptive fuzzy observer

Z Zhang, X Yang, HK Lam, Z **ang - Mathematics and Computers in …, 2024 - Elsevier
This article lays emphasis on a mode-dependent event-triggered controller (MDETC)
scheme for a kind of nonlinear switched systems with delay and sensor faults, where the …

[КНИГА][B] Fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control based on adaptive control approach

Q Shen, B Jiang, P Shi - 2017 - Springer
With the development technology, modern control systems, such as flight control systems,
become more and more complex and involve an increasing number of actuators and …