Functional trait effects on ecosystem stability: assembling the jigsaw puzzle
Under global change, how biological diversity and ecosystem services are maintained in
time is a fundamental question. Ecologists have long argued about multiple mechanisms by …
time is a fundamental question. Ecologists have long argued about multiple mechanisms by …
Biochar as a sustainable tool for improving the health of salt-affected soils
Salt-affected soil has become one of the major threats to soil health. However, the
evaluation of biochar amendment effects and the underlying mechanisms on the physical …
evaluation of biochar amendment effects and the underlying mechanisms on the physical …
Phylotype diversity within soil fungal functional groups drives ecosystem stability
Soil fungi are fundamental to plant productivity, yet their influence on the temporal stability of
global terrestrial ecosystems, and their capacity to buffer plant productivity against extreme …
global terrestrial ecosystems, and their capacity to buffer plant productivity against extreme …
Species richness stabilizes productivity via asynchrony and drought-tolerance diversity in a large-scale tree biodiversity experiment
Extreme climatic events threaten forests and their climate mitigation potential globally.
Understanding the drivers promoting ecosystem stability is therefore considered crucial for …
Understanding the drivers promoting ecosystem stability is therefore considered crucial for …
Consistent stabilizing effects of plant diversity across spatial scales and climatic gradients
Biodiversity has widely been documented to enhance local community stability but whether
such stabilizing effects of biodiversity extend to broader scales remains elusive. Here, we …
such stabilizing effects of biodiversity extend to broader scales remains elusive. Here, we …
Consistently positive effect of species diversity on ecosystem, but not population, temporal stability
Despite much recent progress, our understanding of diversity–stability relationships across
different study systems remains incomplete. In particular, recent theory clarified that within …
different study systems remains incomplete. In particular, recent theory clarified that within …
Plant–soil synchrony in nutrient cycles: Learning from ecosystems to design sustainable agrosystems
Redesigning agrosystems to include more ecological regulations can help feed a growing
human population, preserve soils for future productivity, limit dependency on synthetic …
human population, preserve soils for future productivity, limit dependency on synthetic …
Environmental heterogeneity modulates the effect of plant diversity on the spatial variability of grassland biomass
Plant productivity varies due to environmental heterogeneity, and theory suggests that plant
diversity can reduce this variation. While there is strong evidence of diversity effects on …
diversity can reduce this variation. While there is strong evidence of diversity effects on …
Environmental conditions are the dominant factor influencing stability of terrestrial ecosystems on the Tibetan plateau
Ecosystem stability is essential for the sustainable provision of diverse ecosystem services.
However, the factors that maintain ecosystem stability and their relative importance on the …
However, the factors that maintain ecosystem stability and their relative importance on the …
Vegetation resistance to increasing aridity when crossing thresholds depends on local environmental conditions in global drylands
The crossing of aridity thresholds triggers abrupt changes in multiple functional and
structural ecosystem attributes across global drylands. While we understand the …
structural ecosystem attributes across global drylands. While we understand the …