[HTML][HTML] Advanced development and application of transcritical CO2 refrigeration and heat pump technology—A review
As a highly efficient thermodynamic cycle formed by pure natural fluid and using
aerothermal energy, transcritical CO 2 technology has huge advantages in terms of energy …
aerothermal energy, transcritical CO 2 technology has huge advantages in terms of energy …
Transcritical R744 refrigeration systems for supermarket applications: Current status and future perspectives
Visible signs of climate change call for urgent actions on food retail industry, since such a
sector is characterized by an abundant carbon footprint. Being CO 2 (or R744) recognized …
sector is characterized by an abundant carbon footprint. Being CO 2 (or R744) recognized …
Exergy, carbon footprint and cost lifecycle evaluation of cascade mechanical subcooling CO2 commercial refrigeration system in China
The concept of cascade mechanical subcooling is recommended to widen the application of
natural working fluid CO 2, improve the efficiency and reduce the carbon footprint of CO 2 …
natural working fluid CO 2, improve the efficiency and reduce the carbon footprint of CO 2 …
Energy and environmental performance assessment of R744 booster supermarket refrigeration systems operating in warm climates
This paper presents a theoretical comparison among different commercial refrigeration
systems in terms of annual energy consumption and environmental impact. Eight …
systems in terms of annual energy consumption and environmental impact. Eight …
Life cycle energy, emissions and cost evaluation of CO2 air source heat pump system to replace traditional heating methods for residential heating in China: System …
Heat pump is an efficient method to substitute traditional boilers for cleaner space heating. A
new configuration of CO 2 heat pump system integrated with vapor injection and dedicated …
new configuration of CO 2 heat pump system integrated with vapor injection and dedicated …
[HTML][HTML] Energy analysis of alternative CO2 refrigeration system configurations for retail food applications in moderate and warm climates
Refrigeration systems are crucial in retail food stores to ensure appropriate merchandising
of food products. This paper compares four different CO 2 refrigeration system configurations …
of food products. This paper compares four different CO 2 refrigeration system configurations …
Commercial refrigeration–an overview of current status
Commercial refrigeration comprises food freezing and conservation in retail stores and
supermarkets, so, it is one of the most relevant energy consumption sectors, and its …
supermarkets, so, it is one of the most relevant energy consumption sectors, and its …
Development, research and policy status of logistics cold storage in the context of carbon neutrality: An overview
The rapid development of the cold chain addresses food waste, ensures the quality of
expensive products, and supports the pre-cooked dish industry development. However …
expensive products, and supports the pre-cooked dish industry development. However …
Review of stationary and transport CO2 refrigeration and air conditioning technologies
Since its resurgence as a refrigerant in the 1990s, Carbon Dioxide (CO 2) has grown in
popularity and breadth of application. Its negligible global warming potential (GWP) …
popularity and breadth of application. Its negligible global warming potential (GWP) …
Multi-ejector R744 booster refrigerating plant and air conditioning system integration–A theoretical evaluation of energy benefits for supermarket applications
The multi-ejector rack is the most promising technology to push the so-called “CO 2 equator”
further south and improve the global energy efficiency of R744 supermarket refrigeration …
further south and improve the global energy efficiency of R744 supermarket refrigeration …