Disputing the bioeconomy-biodiversity nexus in Brazil: Coalitions, discourses and policies
Existing literature on bioeconomy has mostly focused on industrialized countries in the
global North and has not paid much attention to the role of biodiversity in promoting new …
global North and has not paid much attention to the role of biodiversity in promoting new …
A review of the knowledge base for the development of natural ingredients value chains for a sustainable biobased economy in Colombia
Natural ingredients (NIs) from plant biodiversity represent a value creation strategy in the
transition to a sustainable biobased economy, especially in biodiversity rich countries. A …
transition to a sustainable biobased economy, especially in biodiversity rich countries. A …
The role of consumers in business model innovations for a sustainable circular bioeconomy
Over the last decade, various governments and supranational bodies have promoted the
development of a circular bioeconomy (CBE) as a response to sustainability challenges. The …
development of a circular bioeconomy (CBE) as a response to sustainability challenges. The …
[HTML][HTML] Potential of Supercritical Acrocomia aculeata Oil and Its Technology Trends
GCM Aires, RN de Carvalho Junior - Applied Sciences, 2023 - mdpi.com
This study discusses the bioactive composition, supercritical extraction, and biological
activity of Acrocomia aculeata in publications in the last ten years. Numerous compounds …
activity of Acrocomia aculeata in publications in the last ten years. Numerous compounds …
Monetizing ecosystem services of perennial wild plant mixtures for bioenergy
K Kiefer, J Kremer, P Zeitner, B Winkler, M Wagner… - Ecosystem Services, 2023 - Elsevier
The transition to a sustainable biobased economy promises to free the economy from its
dependence on finite fossil resources by replacing them with biomass derived primarily from …
dependence on finite fossil resources by replacing them with biomass derived primarily from …
(Un) likely connections between (Un) likely actors in the Art/NBS co-creation process: Application of KREBS cycle of creativity to the Cyborg garden project
NBS provides the technical basis for adaptation to climate change, and co-creation is the
vehicle for the co-production of knowledge and innovation, both forming a strong binomial …
vehicle for the co-production of knowledge and innovation, both forming a strong binomial …
Exploring the Biorefinery Potential of Acrocomia aculeata: A Native Mexican Palm for Sustainable Resource Valorization
The growing concerns about the excessive use of natural resources and the need to find
sustainable sources of energy, this comprehensive study explores the biorefinery potential …
sustainable sources of energy, this comprehensive study explores the biorefinery potential …
[HTML][HTML] Development of an integrated multi-criteria framework to assess the implementation potential of biobased value chains and webs with a territorial approach
R Vargas-Carpintero - Industrial Crops and Products, 2025 - Elsevier
Biobased value chains and webs (BVCW) encompass value adding activities and actors
from biomass production, its processing into biobased products for manifold sectors, until …
from biomass production, its processing into biobased products for manifold sectors, until …
Training set optimization is a feasible alternative for perennial orphan crop domestication and germplasm management: an Acrocomia aculeata example
Orphan perennial native species are gaining importance as sustainability in agriculture
becomes crucial to mitigate climate change. Nevertheless, issues related to the …
becomes crucial to mitigate climate change. Nevertheless, issues related to the …
Biochemical methane potential of coyol fruit as a substrate for biogas production through mixture design and kinetic modeling
The coyol fruit, a species with high but underexplored energy potential, represents a
renewable and sustainable alternative for biogas production. Using a mixture design, the …
renewable and sustainable alternative for biogas production. Using a mixture design, the …