Challenges and opportunities for using big health care data to advance medical science and public health
Methodological advancements in epidemiology, biostatistics, and data science have
strengthened the research world's ability to use data captured from electronic health records …
strengthened the research world's ability to use data captured from electronic health records …
Longitudinal data subject to irregular observation: A review of methods with a focus on visit processes, assumptions, and study design
When data are collected longitudinally, measurement times often vary among patients. This
is of particular concern in clinic-based studies, for example retrospective chart reviews …
is of particular concern in clinic-based studies, for example retrospective chart reviews …
[ספר][B] Joint modeling of longitudinal and time-to-event data
R Elashoff, N Li - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
Longitudinal studies often incur several problems that challenge standard statistical
methods for data analysis. These problems include non-ignorable missing data in …
methods for data analysis. These problems include non-ignorable missing data in …
[ספר][B] Statistical analysis of panel count data
Panel count data occur in studies that concern recurrent events, or event history studies,
when study subjects are observed only at discrete time points. By recurrent events, we mean …
when study subjects are observed only at discrete time points. By recurrent events, we mean …
On the nature of informative presence bias in analyses of electronic health records
Electronic health records (EHRs) offer unprecedented opportunities to answer
epidemiologic questions. However, unlike in ordinary cohort studies or randomized trials …
epidemiologic questions. However, unlike in ordinary cohort studies or randomized trials …
Randomized trials with repeatedly measured outcomes: handling irregular and potentially informative assessment times
Randomized trials are often designed to collect outcomes at fixed points in time after
randomization. In practice, the number and timing of outcome assessments can vary among …
randomization. In practice, the number and timing of outcome assessments can vary among …
Joint modeling and analysis of longitudinal data with informative observation times
In analysis of longitudinal data, it is often assumed that observation times are predetermined
and are the same across study subjects. Such an assumption, however, is often violated in …
and are the same across study subjects. Such an assumption, however, is often violated in …
Semiparametric regression analysis of longitudinal data with informative observation times
Statistical analysis of longitudinal data has been discussed by many authors, and a number
of methods have been proposed. Most of the research have focused on situations where …
of methods have been proposed. Most of the research have focused on situations where …
Joint analysis of longitudinal data with informative observation times and a dependent terminal event
In many longitudinal studies, repeated measures are often correlated with observation times.
Also, there may exist a dependent terminal event such as death that stops the follow-up. In …
Also, there may exist a dependent terminal event such as death that stops the follow-up. In …
Joint models of longitudinal data and recurrent events with informative terminal event
This article presents semiparametric joint models to analyze longitudinal data with recurrent
events (eg multiple tumors, repeated hospital admissions) and a terminal event such as …
events (eg multiple tumors, repeated hospital admissions) and a terminal event such as …