Extratime: Modeling and analysis of wearout due to transistor aging at microarchitecture-level
With shrinking feature sizes, transistor aging due to NBTI and HCI becomes a major
reliability challenge for microprocessors. These processes lead to increased gate delays …
reliability challenge for microprocessors. These processes lead to increased gate delays …
Practical performance prediction under dynamic voltage frequency scaling
Predicting performance under Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scaling (DVFS) remains an
open problem. Current best practice explores available performance counters to serve as …
open problem. Current best practice explores available performance counters to serve as …
Lifetime reliability enhancement of microprocessors: Mitigating the impact of negative bias temperature instability
Ensuring lifetime reliability of microprocessors has become more critical. Continuous scaling
and increasing temperatures due to growing power density are threatening lifetime …
and increasing temperatures due to growing power density are threatening lifetime …
Aging-aware logic synthesis
As CMOS technology scales down into the nanometer regime, designers have to add
pessimistic timing margins to the circuit as guardbands to avoid timing violations due to …
pessimistic timing margins to the circuit as guardbands to avoid timing violations due to …
Long-term reliability of nanometer vlsi systems
Reliability has become a more serious design challenge for current nanometer very large-
scale integrated (VLSI) circuits especially as the technology has advanced into 7nm. It was …
scale integrated (VLSI) circuits especially as the technology has advanced into 7nm. It was …
Aging-aware reliable multiplier design with adaptive hold logic
C Lin, YH Cho, YM Yang - … on very large scale integration (vlsi) …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Digital multipliers are among the most critical arithmetic functional units. The overall
performance of these systems depends on the throughput of the multiplier. Meanwhile, the …
performance of these systems depends on the throughput of the multiplier. Meanwhile, the …
SRAM stability analysis for different cache configurations due to bias temperature instability and hot carrier injection
Bias Temperature Instability (BTI) and Hot Carrier Injections (HCI) are two of the main effects
that increase a transistor's threshold voltage and further cause performance degradations …
that increase a transistor's threshold voltage and further cause performance degradations …
Longevity framework: Leveraging online integrated aging-aware hierarchical map** and VF-selection for lifetime reliability optimization in manycore processors
Rapid device aging in the nano era threatens system lifetime reliability, posing a major
intrinsic threat to system functionality. Traditional techniques to overcome the aging-induced …
intrinsic threat to system functionality. Traditional techniques to overcome the aging-induced …
Exploiting heterogeneity for aging-aware load balancing in mobile platforms
The pervasiveness of heterogeneous multiprocessors (HMP) in the mobile domain enables
more energy efficient systems. However, current approaches to exploit the energy efficiency …
more energy efficient systems. However, current approaches to exploit the energy efficiency …
Power-efficient and aging-aware primary/backup technique for heterogeneous embedded systems
One of the essential requirements of embedded systems is a guaranteed level of reliability.
In this regard, fault-tolerance techniques are broadly applied to these systems to enhance …
In this regard, fault-tolerance techniques are broadly applied to these systems to enhance …