Global assessment of experimental climate warming on tundra vegetation: heterogeneity over space and time
Ecology Letters (2011) Abstract Understanding the sensitivity of tundra vegetation to climate
warming is critical to forecasting future biodiversity and vegetation feedbacks to climate. In …
warming is critical to forecasting future biodiversity and vegetation feedbacks to climate. In …
The resilience and functional role of moss in boreal and arctic ecosystems
Mosses in northern ecosystems are ubiquitous components of plant communities, and
strongly influence nutrient, carbon and water cycling. We use literature review, synthesis and …
strongly influence nutrient, carbon and water cycling. We use literature review, synthesis and …
Will bryophytes survive in a warming world?
Understanding how plant species respond to climate change is one of the great challenges
in biodiversity conservation and sustainable ecosystem planning. Current studies of the …
in biodiversity conservation and sustainable ecosystem planning. Current studies of the …
Above‐ and belowground linkages in Sphagnum peatland: climate warming affects plant‐microbial interactions
Peatlands contain approximately one third of all soil organic carbon (SOC). Warming can
alter above‐and belowground linkages that regulate soil organic carbon dynamics and C …
alter above‐and belowground linkages that regulate soil organic carbon dynamics and C …
Rain, dew, and humid air as drivers of morphology, function and spatial distribution in epiphytic lichens
Y Gauslaa - The Lichenologist, 2014 - cambridge.org
This review is a first attempt to combine and compare spatial distribution of the three main
water sources, rain, dew and humid air, with water-related traits of mainly epiphytic …
water sources, rain, dew and humid air, with water-related traits of mainly epiphytic …
An experimental comparison of chemical traits and litter decomposition rates in a diverse range of subarctic bryophyte, lichen and vascular plant species
Climate change in the subarctic is expected to influence vegetation composition, specifically
bryophyte and lichen communities, thereby modifying litter decomposition rates and carbon …
bryophyte and lichen communities, thereby modifying litter decomposition rates and carbon …
Summer warming accelerates sub-arctic peatland nitrogen cycling without changing enzyme pools or microbial community structure
The balance of primary production and decomposition in northern peatlands may shift due to
climate change, with potential feedbacks to atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Nitrogen …
climate change, with potential feedbacks to atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Nitrogen …
Arctic warming on two continents has consistent negative effects on lichen diversity and mixed effects on bryophyte diversity
Little is known about the impact of changing temperature regimes on composition and
diversity of cryptogam communities in the A rctic and S ubarctic, despite the well‐known …
diversity of cryptogam communities in the A rctic and S ubarctic, despite the well‐known …
Multi-decadal changes in tundra environments and ecosystems: synthesis of the International Polar Year-Back to the Future Project (IPY-BTF)
Understanding the responses of tundra systems to global change has global implications.
Most tundra regions lack sustained environmental monitoring and one of the only ways to …
Most tundra regions lack sustained environmental monitoring and one of the only ways to …
How do bryophytes govern generative recruitment of vascular plants?
Interactions between vascular plants and bryophytes determine plant community
composition in many ecosystems. Yet, little is known about the importance of interspecific …
composition in many ecosystems. Yet, little is known about the importance of interspecific …