[PDF][PDF] Sperm wars and the evolution of male fertility
Females frequently mate with several males, whose sperm then compete to fertilize
available ova. Sperm competition represents a potent selective force that is expected to …
available ova. Sperm competition represents a potent selective force that is expected to …
Escapes of fishes from Norwegian sea-cage aquaculture: causes, consequences and prevention
The escape of fish from aquaculture is perceived as a threat to wild fish populations. The
escapes problem is largely caused by technical and operational failures of fish farming …
escapes problem is largely caused by technical and operational failures of fish farming …
Sperm number and velocity affect sperm competition success in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata)
While both sperm number and quality are now recognized to be important in determining the
outcome of sperm competition, very few studies have experimentally assessed the influence …
outcome of sperm competition, very few studies have experimentally assessed the influence …
Sperm cryopreservation in marine mollusk: a review
Sperm cryopreservation is a valuable technique that can enhance the efficiency of genetic
improvement programs, commercial production and endangered species conservation …
improvement programs, commercial production and endangered species conservation …
Cryopreservation of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss spermatozoa: effects of extender supplemented with different antioxidants on sperm motility, velocity and …
In present study, it was examined whether addition of different antioxidants to the
cryopreservation extenders had an effect on semen post-thaw fertility and motility in rainbow …
cryopreservation extenders had an effect on semen post-thaw fertility and motility in rainbow …
Seasonal variations in seminal plasma and sperm characteristics of wild-caught and cultivated Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua
The objective was to investigate changes, throughout the spawning season, in body size
attributes and quantitative semen characteristics of wild-caught and cultivated Atlantic cod …
attributes and quantitative semen characteristics of wild-caught and cultivated Atlantic cod …
Seasonal and age-related changes in sperm quality of farmed arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus)
Background Substantial variation in male fertility is regularly observed in farmed Arctic charr.
However, detailed investigations of its fluctuation during a reproductive season and across …
However, detailed investigations of its fluctuation during a reproductive season and across …
Effects of ovarian fluid and genetic differences on sperm performance and fertilization success of alternative reproductive tactics in Chinook salmon
In many species, sperm velocity affects variation in the outcome of male competitive
fertilization success. In fishes, ovarian fluid (OF) released with the eggs can increase male …
fertilization success. In fishes, ovarian fluid (OF) released with the eggs can increase male …
Cryopreservation of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua L. spermatozoa: effects of extender composition and freezing rate on sperm motility, velocity and morphology
Broodstock selection programs are currently underway for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). To
complement and further these selection programs we need to develop sperm …
complement and further these selection programs we need to develop sperm …
[HTML][HTML] Fish sperm competition in hatcheries and between wild and hatchery origin fish in nature
Males compete pre-and post-mating to fertilize the maximum number of eggs. In polyandry,
sperm competition occurs when sperm from two or more males compete to fertilize eggs …
sperm competition occurs when sperm from two or more males compete to fertilize eggs …