[HTML][HTML] Understanding stress: Insights from rodent models
Through incorporating both physical and psychological forms of stressors, a variety of rodent
models have provided important insights into the understanding of stress physiology …
models have provided important insights into the understanding of stress physiology …
Neurobiology of chronic mild stress: parallels to major depression
The chronic mild (or unpredictable/variable) stress (CMS) model was developed as an
animal model of depression more than 20 years ago. The foundation of this model was that …
animal model of depression more than 20 years ago. The foundation of this model was that …
Neurotransmitter, peptide and cytokine processes in relation to depressive disorder: comorbidity between depression and neurodegenerative disorders
Given the array of biological changes induced by stressors, it is not surprising that these
experiences may provoke a variety of illnesses. Among others things, stressors promote …
experiences may provoke a variety of illnesses. Among others things, stressors promote …
Neuroimmune mechanisms of cytokine-induced depression: current theories and novel treatment strategies
JM Loftis, M Huckans, BJ Morasco - Neurobiology of disease, 2010 - Elsevier
The relationships between immune and neural function are an increasingly important area
of study for neuropsychiatric disorders, in particular depression. This is exemplified by the …
of study for neuropsychiatric disorders, in particular depression. This is exemplified by the …
The clinical implications of mouse models of enhanced anxiety
Mice are increasingly overtaking the rat model organism in important aspects of anxiety
research, including drug development. However, translating the results obtained in mouse …
research, including drug development. However, translating the results obtained in mouse …
Synergistic and additive actions of a psychosocial stressor and endotoxin challenge: circulating and brain cytokines, plasma corticosterone and behavioral changes in …
Activation of the inflammatory immune response may provoke neuroendocrine and central
neurochemical effects that are reminiscent of those elicited by traditional stressors, and …
neurochemical effects that are reminiscent of those elicited by traditional stressors, and …
Effects of short-term fasting in male Sprague–Dawley rats
MH Nowland, K Hugunin, KL Rogers - Comparative Medicine, 2011 - ingentaconnect.com
Fasting is a common procedure for animals in experiments. Although fasting may be
necessary for scientific reasons, it should be minimized. In the current study, jugular …
necessary for scientific reasons, it should be minimized. In the current study, jugular …
Sex-biased stress signaling: the corticotropin-releasing factor receptor as a model
RJ Valentino, D Bangasser, EJ Van Bockstaele - Molecular pharmacology, 2013 - Elsevier
Sex differences in the prevalence or severity of many diseases and in the response to
pharmacological agents are well recognized. Elucidating the biologic bases of these …
pharmacological agents are well recognized. Elucidating the biologic bases of these …
Effects of stressors and immune activating agents on peripheral and central cytokines in mouse strains that differ in stressor responsivity
The impact of inflammatory immune activation on behavioral and physiological processes
varies with antecedent stressor experiences. We assessed whether immune activation …
varies with antecedent stressor experiences. We assessed whether immune activation …
Gradual restraint habituation for awake functional magnetic resonance imaging combined with a sparse imaging paradigm reduces motion artifacts and stress levels …
Functional magnetic resonance imaging, as a non-invasive technique, offers unique
opportunities to assess brain function and connectivity under a broad range of applications …
opportunities to assess brain function and connectivity under a broad range of applications …