[CARTE][B] Branching random walks
Z Shi - 2015 - Springer
These notes attempt to provide an elementary introduction to the one-dimensional discrete-
time branching random walk and to exploit its spinal structure. They begin with the case of …
time branching random walk and to exploit its spinal structure. They begin with the case of …
[CARTE][B] Directed polymers in random environments
F Comets - 2017 - Springer
This monograph contains the notes of lectures I gave in Saint Flour Probability Summer
School in July 2016. The two other courses were given by Paul Bourgade and by Scott …
School in July 2016. The two other courses were given by Paul Bourgade and by Scott …
[HTML][HTML] First order transition for the branching random walk at the critical parameter
T Madaule - Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 2016 - Elsevier
Consider a branching random walk on the real line in the boundary case. The associated
additive martingales can be viewed as the partition function of a directed polymers on a …
additive martingales can be viewed as the partition function of a directed polymers on a …
The near-critical Gibbs measure of the branching random walk
M Pain - 2018 - projecteuclid.org
Consider the supercritical branching random walk on the real line in the boundary case and
the associated Gibbs measure n,β on the n th generation, which is also the polymer …
the associated Gibbs measure n,β on the n th generation, which is also the polymer …
Rate of convergence for polymers in a weak disorder
We consider directed polymers in random environment on the lattice Z d at small inverse
temperature and dimension d≥ 3. Then, the normalized partition function W n is a regular …
temperature and dimension d≥ 3. Then, the normalized partition function W n is a regular …
[HTML][HTML] The intermediate disorder regime for a directed polymer model on a hierarchical lattice
T Alberts, J Clark, S Kocić - Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 2017 - Elsevier
We study a directed polymer model defined on a hierarchical diamond lattice, where the
lattice is constructed recursively through a recipe depending on a branching number b∈ N …
lattice is constructed recursively through a recipe depending on a branching number b∈ N …
Efficient approximation of branching random walk Gibbs measures
Disordered systems such as spin glasses have been used extensively as models for high-
dimensional random landscapes and studied from the perspective of optimization …
dimensional random landscapes and studied from the perspective of optimization …
Mouvement brownien branchant et autres modèles hiérarchiques en physique statistique
M Pain - 2019 - theses.hal.science
Le mouvement brownien branchant (BBM) est un système de particules se déplaçant et se
reproduisant aléatoirement. En premier lieu, nous étudions avec précision la transition de …
reproduisant aléatoirement. En premier lieu, nous étudions avec précision la transition de …
Nested critical points for a directed polymer on a disordered diamond lattice
T Alberts, J Clark - Journal of Theoretical Probability, 2019 - Springer
We consider a model for a directed polymer in a random environment defined on a
hierarchical diamond lattice in which iid random variables are attached to the lattice bonds …
hierarchical diamond lattice in which iid random variables are attached to the lattice bonds …
Algorithmic aspects of the continuous random energy model
FH Ho - 2023 - theses.hal.science
This thesis explores the algorithmic perspectives of the branching random walk and the
continuous random energy model (CREM). Namely, we are interested in constructing …
continuous random energy model (CREM). Namely, we are interested in constructing …