[HTML][HTML] A framework for integrating ecosystem services indicators into vulnerability and risk assessments of deltaic social-ecological systems
Due to increasing population pressure and urbanization, as well as global climate change
impacts, many coastal river deltas are experiencing increased exposure, vulnerability and …
impacts, many coastal river deltas are experiencing increased exposure, vulnerability and …
A comprehensive review on sustainable coastal zone management in Bangladesh: Present status and the way forward
Bangladesh, a coastal develo** nation with a diverse sustainable biodiversity of natural
resources is currently focused upon by international communities as a result of its high …
resources is currently focused upon by international communities as a result of its high …
The effects of changing land use and flood hazard on poverty in coastal Bangladesh
The construction of polders in the coastal region of Bangladesh has significantly modified
the patterns of flooding, as well as leading to significant land use/land cover (hereinafter …
the patterns of flooding, as well as leading to significant land use/land cover (hereinafter …
Examining flood vulnerability map** approaches in develo** countries: A sco** review
In the face of climate change, map** flood vulnerability has become important. This is
because it helps to identify vulnerable people in particular communities and provides a …
because it helps to identify vulnerable people in particular communities and provides a …
[HTML][HTML] A systematic review of coastal vulnerability map**
Coastal areas worldwide represent an aggregation of population and assets of growing
economic, geopolitical, and sociocultural significance, yet their functions are increasingly …
economic, geopolitical, and sociocultural significance, yet their functions are increasingly …
[HTML][HTML] Prediction of coastal flooding risk under climate change impacts in South Korea using machine learning algorithms
SJ Park, DK Lee - Environmental Research Letters, 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
Coastal areas have been affected by hazards such as floods and storms due to the impact of
climate change. As coastal systems continue to become more socially and environmentally …
climate change. As coastal systems continue to become more socially and environmentally …
Coastal vulnerability analysis of Bangladesh coast using fuzzy logic based geospatial techniques
Bangladesh coast is recognized as one of the hotspots of several coastal hazards like
coastal flood, sea level rise, increased tropical cyclone occurrence etc. To understand the …
coastal flood, sea level rise, increased tropical cyclone occurrence etc. To understand the …
Vulnerability map** and risk analysis of sand and dust storms in Ahvaz, IRAN
In this work, a sand and dust storm vulnerability map** (SDS-VM) approach is developed
to model the vulnerability of urban blocks to SDS using GIS spatial analysis and a range of …
to model the vulnerability of urban blocks to SDS using GIS spatial analysis and a range of …
Tropical cyclone risk assessment using geospatial techniques for the eastern coastal region of Bangladesh
Tropical cyclones frequently affect millions of people, damaging properties, livelihoods and
environments in the coastal region of Bangladesh. The intensity and extent of tropical …
environments in the coastal region of Bangladesh. The intensity and extent of tropical …
[HTML][HTML] Coastal indices to assess sea-level rise impacts-A brief review of the last decade
The present review intends to serve as the most comprehensive work of the current scientific
and the most updated research on coastal vulnerability and risk assessment due to sea …
and the most updated research on coastal vulnerability and risk assessment due to sea …