A comprehensive survey of continual learning: theory, method and application
To cope with real-world dynamics, an intelligent system needs to incrementally acquire,
update, accumulate, and exploit knowledge throughout its lifetime. This ability, known as …
update, accumulate, and exploit knowledge throughout its lifetime. This ability, known as …
A survey on curriculum learning
Curriculum learning (CL) is a training strategy that trains a machine learning model from
easier data to harder data, which imitates the meaningful learning order in human curricula …
easier data to harder data, which imitates the meaningful learning order in human curricula …
Part-based pseudo label refinement for unsupervised person re-identification
Unsupervised person re-identification (re-ID) aims at learning discriminative representations
for person retrieval from unlabeled data. Recent techniques accomplish this task by using …
for person retrieval from unlabeled data. Recent techniques accomplish this task by using …
Data collection and quality challenges in deep learning: A data-centric ai perspective
Data-centric AI is at the center of a fundamental shift in software engineering where machine
learning becomes the new software, powered by big data and computing infrastructure …
learning becomes the new software, powered by big data and computing infrastructure …
[HTML][HTML] Embracing change: Continual learning in deep neural networks
Artificial intelligence research has seen enormous progress over the past few decades, but it
predominantly relies on fixed datasets and stationary environments. Continual learning is an …
predominantly relies on fixed datasets and stationary environments. Continual learning is an …
Learning from noisy labels with deep neural networks: A survey
Deep learning has achieved remarkable success in numerous domains with help from large
amounts of big data. However, the quality of data labels is a concern because of the lack of …
amounts of big data. However, the quality of data labels is a concern because of the lack of …
Early-learning regularization prevents memorization of noisy labels
We propose a novel framework to perform classification via deep learning in the presence of
noisy annotations. When trained on noisy labels, deep neural networks have been observed …
noisy annotations. When trained on noisy labels, deep neural networks have been observed …
Curriculum learning: A survey
Training machine learning models in a meaningful order, from the easy samples to the hard
ones, using curriculum learning can provide performance improvements over the standard …
ones, using curriculum learning can provide performance improvements over the standard …
Understanding Dataset Difficulty with -Usable Information
Estimating the difficulty of a dataset typically involves comparing state-of-the-art models to
humans; the bigger the performance gap, the harder the dataset is said to be. However, this …
humans; the bigger the performance gap, the harder the dataset is said to be. However, this …
Dataset cartography: Map** and diagnosing datasets with training dynamics
Large datasets have become commonplace in NLP research. However, the increased
emphasis on data quantity has made it challenging to assess the quality of data. We …
emphasis on data quantity has made it challenging to assess the quality of data. We …