Coevolution of a generalist pathogen with many hosts: the case of the amphibian chytrid Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis
Generalist pathogens maintain infectivity in numerous hosts; how this broad ecological
niche impacts host–pathogen coevolution remains to be widely explored. Batrachochytrium …
niche impacts host–pathogen coevolution remains to be widely explored. Batrachochytrium …
High variability in infection mechanisms and host responses: A review of functional genomic studies of amphibian chytridiomycosis
The emergence of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) and B. salamandrivorans (Bsal), two
fungal pathogens responsible for amphibian declines and extinctions worldwide, led to 20 …
fungal pathogens responsible for amphibian declines and extinctions worldwide, led to 20 …
Fungal disease and temperature alter skin microbiome structure in an experimental salamander system
Pathogens compete with host microbiomes for space and resources. Their shared
environment impacts pathogen–microbiome–host interactions, which can lead to variation in …
environment impacts pathogen–microbiome–host interactions, which can lead to variation in …
Fungal disease cluster in tropical terrestrial frogs predicted by low rainfall
Anthropogenic forces are increasing climate anomalies and disease pressure in tropical
forests. Terrestrial-breeding amphibians, a diverse group of highly endemic tropical frogs …
forests. Terrestrial-breeding amphibians, a diverse group of highly endemic tropical frogs …
Chytrid in the clouds: an alternative passive transport of a lethal pathogen for amphibians
Fog is an important water input in ecosystems and a carrier of microorganisms, including
unicellular pathogens. The aquatic amphibian-killing fungus, Batrachochytrium …
unicellular pathogens. The aquatic amphibian-killing fungus, Batrachochytrium …
Temperature‐mediated shifts in salamander transcriptomic responses to the amphibian‐killing fungus
Life processes of ectothermic vertebrates are intimately linked to the temperature of their
environment, influencing their metabolism, reproduction, behaviour and immune responses …
environment, influencing their metabolism, reproduction, behaviour and immune responses …
Ancestral chytrid pathogen remains hypervirulent following its long coevolution with amphibian hosts
Many amphibian species around the world, except in Asia, suffer morbidity and mortality
when infected by the emerging infectious pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). A …
when infected by the emerging infectious pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). A …
Designing probiotic therapies with broad-spectrum activity against a wildlife pathogen
Host-associated microbes form an important component of immunity that protect against
infection by pathogens. Treating wild individuals with these protective microbes, known as …
infection by pathogens. Treating wild individuals with these protective microbes, known as …
Preparing for invasion: Assessing risk of infection by chytrid fungi in southeastern plethodontid salamanders
Understanding the responses of naïve communities to the invasion of multihost pathogens
requires accurate estimates of susceptibility across taxa. In the Americas, the likely …
requires accurate estimates of susceptibility across taxa. In the Americas, the likely …
Phenotypic and Methylome Responses to Salt Stress in Arabidopsis thaliana Natural Accessions
Salt stress threatens plant growth, development and crop yields, and has become a critical
global environmental issue. Increasing evidence has suggested that the epigenetic …
global environmental issue. Increasing evidence has suggested that the epigenetic …