Factors influencing the visual deliciousness/eye-appeal of food

C Spence, K Motoki, O Petit - Food Quality and Preference, 2022 - Elsevier
In recent years, a growing number of academic researchers, as well as many marketing and
design practitioners, have uncovered a variety of factors that would appear to enhance the …

The impact of marketing and advertising on food behaviours: evaluating the evidence for a causal relationship

J Norman, B Kelly, E Boyland, AT McMahon - Current Nutrition Reports, 2016 - Springer
The prevention of overweight in childhood is paramount to long-term heart health. Food
marketing predominately promotes unhealthy products which, if over-consumed, will lead to …

The popularity of eating broadcast: Content analysis of “mukbang” YouTube videos, media coverage, and the health impact of “mukbang” on public

EK Kang, J Lee, KH Kim… - Health informatics journal, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
As “mukbang”(eating broadcast) becomes increasingly widespread, there is growing interest
about the impact of mukbang on public health. This study aimed to analyze the content of …

Artificial sweeteners are not the answer to childhood obesity

SE Swithers - Appetite, 2015 - Elsevier
While no single factor is responsible for the recent, dramatic increases in overweight and
obesity, a scientific consensus has emerged suggesting that consumption of sugar …

The dark side of advertising: Promoting unhealthy food consumption

B Deshpande, P Kaur, A Ferraris… - European Journal of …, 2023 - emerald.com
Purpose Scholars have noted the impact of advertising on unhealthy food consumption.
However, a systematic literature review (SLR) on this topic is currently lacking. This study …

Front‐of‐package nutrition labeling as a driver for healthier food choices: Lessons learned and future perspectives

MF Batista, JP de Carvalho‐Ferreira… - … Reviews in Food …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
This work aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the use of front‐of‐package
nutritional labeling (FOPL), identify and characterize the major existing FOPL systems …

[PDF][PDF] The spectrum of motivations behind watching mukbang videos and its Health effects on its viewers: a review

S Sanskriti, I Guglani, S Joshi, A Anjankar, SH Joshi - Cureus, 2023 - cureus.com
Mukbang are videos in which individuals record themselves while eating a specific kind of
food (typically food that is low in nutrition) and chit-chatting with the audience through virtual …

Children perceptions of emotional and rational appeals in social advertisements

V Nicolini, F Cassia, M Bellotto - Young Consumers, 2017 - emerald.com
Purpose This study aims to understand the impact of rational and emotional appeals on
children's attitude towards two public service announcements (PSAs) that promoted eating …

Técnicas de marketing en publicidades de alimentos y bebidas en canales infantiles de Argentina: diferencias según calidad nutricional nutricional

P Gómez, M Elisa Zapata, A Rovirosa… - Revista Argentina de …, 2017 - SciELO Argentina
INTRODUCCIÓN: Las publicidades utilizan un amplio espectro de técnicas visuales,
auditivas y emocionales para persuadir a los niños o padres, empleando diferentes …

Fear vs humor appeals: a comparative study of children's responses to anti-smoking advertisements

V Nicolini, F Cassia - Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, 2022 - emerald.com
Purpose This study aims to examine the different effects that the fear and humor appeals in
anti-smoking advertisements for children have on their affective reactions to the …