S Voice - The science and psychology of music performance …, 2002 - books.google.com
One of the principal challenges for the singer is to acquire an understanding of how to
develop and maintain a particular set of culturally specific musical behaviors using an …
develop and maintain a particular set of culturally specific musical behaviors using an …
World cloud: A prototype data choralification of text documents
AL Uitdenbogerd - Journal of New Music Research, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Algorithmic composition is extended to textual data, demonstrating a novel text setting
method. We represent key words of documents through 'data choralification', being a …
method. We represent key words of documents through 'data choralification', being a …
Solo voice
GF Welch - The Oxford handbook of music performance, 2022 - books.google.com
RECENT international ethnographic research (Mehr et al., 2019) has confirmed that musics
(instrumental and vocal) are both universal yet diverse human behaviors. Universality is …
(instrumental and vocal) are both universal yet diverse human behaviors. Universality is …
[HTML][HTML] Interactive augmentation of voice quality and reduction of breath airflow in the soprano voice
M Rothenberg, HK Schutte - Journal of Voice, 2016 - Elsevier
In 1985, at a conference sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, Martin Rothenberg
first described a form of nonlinear source-tract acoustic interaction mechanism by which …
first described a form of nonlinear source-tract acoustic interaction mechanism by which …
[HTML][HTML] Акустические характеристики русского гласного/а/в спонтанной разговорной и вокальной речи
ВВ Сысоенко, СИ Гусева - Балтийский гуманитарный журнал, 2017 - cyberleninka.ru
Работа представляет собой исследование, посвященное изучению перцептивных и
акустических характеристик информативно нагруженных участков спонтанной …
акустических характеристик информативно нагруженных участков спонтанной …
The identification of high-pitched sung vowels in sense and nonsense words by professional singers and untrained listeners
A Deme - Journal of Voice, 2017 - Elsevier
High-pitched sung vowels may be considered phonetically “underspecified” because of (i)
the tuning of the F 1 to the f 0 accompanying pitch raising and (ii) the wide harmonic spacing …
the tuning of the F 1 to the f 0 accompanying pitch raising and (ii) the wide harmonic spacing …
Evaluation of an automated formant estimation procedure with optimized formant ceiling
A Ericsson - 2020 - diva-portal.org
This study evaluates an automated formant estimation procedure designed to adapt to
speakers and variations in speech. The adaption is achieved by using the formant ceiling …
speakers and variations in speech. The adaption is achieved by using the formant ceiling …
Head over heels: The effects of three heel heights on postural and acoustical measures of university female voice majors, and measured relationships between heel …
AA Rollings - 2015 - kuscholarworks.ku.edu
The purpose of this study was (a) to determine the effects, if any, of 3 simulated heel height
conditions (0.0 in., 1.5 in., 3.0 in.) on postural (head position, jaw opening) and acoustical …
conditions (0.0 in., 1.5 in., 3.0 in.) on postural (head position, jaw opening) and acoustical …
Foreign Language Interpretation in Teaching Soloist Singing
A Ujvárosi - 2021 - dea.lib.unideb.hu
The problems of singing in the original language have become a special feature of the
soloist training in the Central and Eastern Europe. The linguistic aspects of soloist training is …
soloist training in the Central and Eastern Europe. The linguistic aspects of soloist training is …
Z Weidl - BESZÉDKUTATÁS 2016 - researchgate.net
Traditionally, sopranos of the Western operatic style are required to sing very loudly so that
they can easily be heard through a large orchestra, while their vocal timbre remains (at least …
they can easily be heard through a large orchestra, while their vocal timbre remains (at least …