[HTML][HTML] Rotation of biological cells: fundamentals and applications
Cell rotation is one of the most important techniques for cell manipulation in modern
bioscience, as it not only permits cell observation from any arbitrary angle, but also simplifies …
bioscience, as it not only permits cell observation from any arbitrary angle, but also simplifies …
[HTML][HTML] A review of automated microinjection of zebrafish embryos
Cell microinjection is a technique of precise delivery of substances into cells and is widely
used for studying cell transfection, signaling pathways, and organelle functions …
used for studying cell transfection, signaling pathways, and organelle functions …
Robotic manipulation of deformable cells for orientation control
Robotic manipulation of deformable objects has been a classic topic in robotics. Compared
to synthetic deformable objects such as rubber balls and clothes, biological cells are highly …
to synthetic deformable objects such as rubber balls and clothes, biological cells are highly …
Out-of-plane rotation control of biological cells with a robot-tweezers manipulation system for orientation-based cell surgery
In many cell surgery applications, cell must be oriented properly such that the microsurgery
tool can access the target components with minimum damage to the cell. In this paper, a …
tool can access the target components with minimum damage to the cell. In this paper, a …
Three-dimensional rotation of deformable cells at a bipolar electrode array using a rotating electric field
Three-dimensional rotation of cells is imperative in a variety of applications such as biology,
medicine, and chemistry. We report for the first time a versatile approach for executing …
medicine, and chemistry. We report for the first time a versatile approach for executing …
A Review of Single‐Cell Pose Adjustment and Puncture
Single‐cell manipulation technology is an essential method of cell research, with wide
applications in biological engineering, medical engineering, agricultural engineering, and …
applications in biological engineering, medical engineering, agricultural engineering, and …
Visual servoed three-dimensional rotation control in zebrafish larva heart microinjection system
Objective: Zebrafish larva heart microinjection is a widely used technique in cardiac disease
study. Compared with intensively researched rotation control of spherical or nearly spherical …
study. Compared with intensively researched rotation control of spherical or nearly spherical …
Autofocusing and polar body detection in automated cell manipulation
Autofocusing and feature detection are two essential processes for performing automated
biological cell manipulation tasks. In this paper, we have introduced a technique capable of …
biological cell manipulation tasks. In this paper, we have introduced a technique capable of …
Force-sensing robotic microinjection system for automated multi-cell injection with consistent quality
This paper presents the design and development of a new microinjection system with force
sensing for automated multi-cell injection in genome editing of zebrafish using the …
sensing for automated multi-cell injection in genome editing of zebrafish using the …
Automatic cell rotation based on real-time detection and tracking
Cell rotation has great significance for cell manipulation, which is applied to intracytoplasmic
sperm injection, preimplantation genetic screening and diagnosis, somatic cell nuclear …
sperm injection, preimplantation genetic screening and diagnosis, somatic cell nuclear …