The randomized measurement toolbox
Programmable quantum simulators and quantum computers are opening unprecedented
opportunities for exploring and exploiting the properties of highly entangled complex …
opportunities for exploring and exploiting the properties of highly entangled complex …
Observing the quantum Mpemba effect in quantum simulations
The nonequilibrium physics of many-body quantum systems harbors various unconventional
phenomena. In this Letter, we experimentally investigate one of the most puzzling of these …
phenomena. In this Letter, we experimentally investigate one of the most puzzling of these …
Avoiding barren plateaus using classical shadows
Variational quantum algorithms are promising algorithms for achieving quantum advantage
on near-term devices. The quantum hardware is used to implement a variational wave …
on near-term devices. The quantum hardware is used to implement a variational wave …
Shallow shadows: Expectation estimation using low-depth random Clifford circuits
We provide practical and powerful schemes for learning properties of a quantum state using
a small number of measurements. Specifically, we present a randomized measurement …
a small number of measurements. Specifically, we present a randomized measurement …
Entanglement barrier and its symmetry resolution: Theory and experimental observation
The operator entanglement (OE) is a key quantifier of the complexity of a reduced density
matrix. In out-of-equilibrium situations, eg, after a quantum quench of a product state, it is …
matrix. In out-of-equilibrium situations, eg, after a quantum quench of a product state, it is …
Quantum computation of dynamical quantum phase transitions and entanglement tomography in a lattice gauge theory
Strongly coupled gauge theories far from equilibrium may exhibit unique features that could
illuminate the physics of the early universe and of hadron and ion colliders. Studying real …
illuminate the physics of the early universe and of hadron and ion colliders. Studying real …
[HTML][HTML] Analysing quantum systems with randomised measurements
Measurements with randomly chosen settings determine many important properties of
quantum states without the need for a shared reference frame or calibration. They naturally …
quantum states without the need for a shared reference frame or calibration. They naturally …
Nonequilibrium full counting statistics and symmetry-resolved entanglement from space-time duality
Owing to its probabilistic nature, a measurement process in quantum mechanics produces a
distribution of possible outcomes. This distribution—or its Fourier transform known as full …
distribution of possible outcomes. This distribution—or its Fourier transform known as full …
Probing many-body quantum chaos with quantum simulators
The spectral form factor (SFF), characterizing statistics of energy eigenvalues, is a key
diagnostic of many-body quantum chaos. In addition, partial spectral form factors (PSFFs) …
diagnostic of many-body quantum chaos. In addition, partial spectral form factors (PSFFs) …
Experimental single-setting quantum state tomography
Quantum computers solve ever more complex tasks using steadily growing system sizes.
Characterizing these quantum systems is vital, yet becoming increasingly challenging. The …
Characterizing these quantum systems is vital, yet becoming increasingly challenging. The …